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I love comments and votes. Oh and I made a Instagram account for my writing so follow it. My username is the same on here, theparasiteevesyko, and I'm going to maybe write out my scenarios? Or something... Idk just follow it.

It's been a week and I've finally got the time and courage to go back to the mall.  The BDSM meeting apparently happens every week so when I walk in the mall I see them. The thought of going over and introducing myself pops into my head but I think I'm going to see if Mr. Hottie is at the perfume store.

As I walk to the shop I fix my skirt and beg to nothing that the same guy is working. Please be there, pleaseee. When I enter the shop I see the guy kneeling on the ground fixing the bottom shelves. Fixing them? More like organization them or something.

He somehow looks hotter than I remember. His arms flex a little and he moves things around. Oh, before he had long sleeves so now I can admire his tonearms. So I'm not just weirdly staring at him I go over to a display table and pretend to be looking at one of the items but my eyes are still fixed on the man.

He's in his twenties... I wonder if he likes younger girls? Nothing about him says gay but I am a girl so it wouldn't be gay. But it would because I'm a boy... Hmm. I wonder if he cares. It's 2020 I doubt he's homophobic- okay I shouldn't expect everyone under 30 to be not homophobic. I've met people my age who are homophobic. It's just my optimistic side talking. Hopefully, he's not going to automatically know I have a dick and be creeped out by me.

I make sure my make is straight (unlike me) and then put don't the bottle I randomly picked up. He's really focused on doing his job he's unaware of my stalking. His mask is off and I can see him bite his bottom lip. So sexy.

I boldly walk up to him and he sees my legs at first and then looks up seeming confused at first but then he recognizes me. "You're the person who bought the unicorn lotion right?" He says getting up with a smile. I'm so glad he has forgotten about his mask because his smile is beautiful.

Wait- he said, person. He is being respectful and not assuming my gender? I like that but most of the time that means the person doesn't believe I'm a cis-female. Does he know I have a dick? I'm tucked but it's not with tape so maybe he can see- I look at my "feet" for a split second to secretly look at my crotch to make sure I'm not showing or anything.

"Yeah, I kinda just zoomed off. I don't have the recipe or any other...?" I say wondering if there's something I have to do before I can get my lotion.

"I have it. Just in case you came back, " he says getting his wallet out if his back pocket. The guy pulls out a very nice folded paper and gives it to me. It's my recipe. "Here, I put it up but it was this kind right?" He says grabbing the sparkly unicorn lotion.

"Yeah thank you, " I say taking it when he gives it to me. Instead of walking away or something I just stay still (in his way) and hold eye contact with him.  How is he so hot?

He looks at the empty store quickly and then back to me. "I'm about to get off in ten minutes, maybe we can walk around the mall together?" He asks surprising me a little. I'm not one hundred percent shocked because I am cute and look like a girl. He probably thinks I was born a girl.

"Yeah, that would be fun. Can you get me a bag for this?" I say and he smiles and then leads the way to the check out registers and gets a cute paper bag.

"Is that all you want?" He asks me. I'm not really here to shop so no.

"No thank you. Should I loiter around here or should I meet you here in ten-ish minutes?" I ask because I don't want to wait in this store if that would make things awkward or like I'm rushing him.

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