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Vic's pov

The doorbell ringing a thousand times makes me shoot up from bed. Kellin sits up looking still asleep but rubbing his eyes. "See I had a key, " I hear Mike say loudly but it's very faint in here because he's across the house.

"It's in my room, " kellin mumbles before falling back asleep.

Mike needs to learn I have a life and he needs to- the door swings open and Jamie is about to yell at me to wake up but freezes as he sees kellin. His eyes go wide and he quietly shuts the door with him out the outside.

"Abandon ship! Abandon-" Jamie starts but the door flies open.

"Wake u-" mike starts but Jamie slaps his hand over his mouth. Mike looks at kellin and then my very clearly annoyed face.

"Five more minutes..." Kellin mumble still asleep. My brother's jaw drops as he looks at a girl in my bed. Jamie slowly pulls him out and yet again my door shuts and then I hear them freaking out trying to be quite.

"Hey, kells?" I say lightly touching his shoulder.


Does this count as sleep talking? I shake his shoulder. He turns so he's on his back and looks at me very clearly still half asleep. "My brother and friend are here, " I say and he blinks.

"I don't have a brother, " he says confused.

"Yeah I know- actually I didn't- but my brother is here, " I say and he looks at me like I just tried to explain quantum physics to him. Very confused.

"I don't know, " he mumbles before trying to go back to sleep. I just watch and it only takes him a minute to fall asleep again. Well, now I know she's not a morning person.

I get up and look at the time, why are they here at 6 in the morning?? I grumpily leave my room and go to the two idiotic people I supposedly love. "Entering my house without my permission is one thing, but into my room? At six!? Why are you here?" I say throwing my hands up.

"There's a murderer that broke out of prison yesterday around here so we came to save you! And... A bar might have kicked us out so we walked here, " mike says so I roll my eyes. He's drunk. I look at Jamie to see him drinking water, he doesn't look wasted.

"Who's the girl?" Jamie asks.

"A uh... Friend?" I say. We aren't even friends, more like fuck buddies. Mike starts laughing.

"Okay, whatever. Sober up and get out. Im sleeping late today so be quiet or I'll kick you out, " I say and go back to my room. All anger leaves me as I see the delicate angel in my bed. I lock my door and get in bed.

"Did you fix it?" He asks opening his eyes halfway for a moment before closing them and snuggling up to me.

"Yeah, " I say.

"Good, " he mumbles and relaxes even more in my arms.

- kellin's pov -

As I wake up I remember I'm in Vic's bed. So this warm thing spooning me is probably Vic. I turn over and see he's awake. "Hi, " I say rubbing my face.

"Hey, you finally consciously talking yet?" He says. Huh? I blink a few times.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

He goes to say something but stops. "Nothing, I was just waiting to have a full conversation about last night, " he says. Oh, he was probably talking about when I was in little space. I don't really seem to aware when in little space because I block out sexual stuff and a few other things.

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