Just after 1 am I'm entering Justin's house. When I walk in I can hear all of them playing Dungeons and Dragons and from the sounds of it, they are in a battle. Good, they are distracted and might not notice my limp.

The plan is to get seated at the table as fast as possible with looking calm. That way they might not look at me soon enough to see me walk. I walk quietly trying to ignore the pain in my ass and back. Maybe I shouldn't have had around two with Vic in his shower...

Nah, it was worth it.

As soon as I step into view all eyes are on me. I stop walking so they can't see me limp. "Kellsssss you're so late, " Jack whines. He's clearly drunk but surprisingly the others look a little soberer than I thought they would. Justin is smoking a joint and now passing it to josh.

"Sorry, I was on a date, " I say leaning against the wall softly.

Nick goes back to being the game Master, explaining the dungeon they just walked into and that causes most of them to pay attention except Justin.

"I'll be back, matty play for me, " he says talking to a blonde guy I almost never see here. All I know about him is he's like a drummer surfer dude or something. Seems cool but I've never talked to him.

The guy says something to him about the game and them Justin gets up and walks over to me and grabs my hoodie sleeve making me get off the wall and follow him. However, I can't walk as fast so almost trip. He stops and looks at me.

"Gosh, slow down, " I say annoyed and very slowly start walking. He looks at my legs and then looks concerned. Ugh.

"Okay but I need to talk to you outside, " he says and we walk to the back porch. My limp isn't horrible but he has noticed. Once we are on the back porch I sit down and winch in pain.

Justin sits down and looks forward at the horizon. He's never serious so this is worrying me. After an eternity of silence, he looks at me and sighs. "You're seventeen, " he states. Yeah, I know my age. Why is he bringing this up?

"Yeah, and you're 23. Now that we know each other's age what's going on?" I say not like that he's talking about my age. I do and don't like being the youngest. I love attention and being the baby of the group but I don't like it when they try to say I'm too young to hang out with them and stuff like that.

"You're going to get hurt by going to stranger's houses and hooking up. Your limping and you have hickeys all over you, " he says clearly frustrated. His eyes are on my neck so I put my hand in the way.

"I'm not a child. Sex is fun and I'm careful, " I say but I feel shakey. I know I'm a slut but it's not like I'm 13 or anything.

"You practically are! Kellin... It's not like any of us go to sex parties and hook up with people all the time! Your seventeen. A minor. How old is the guy you had sex with? What's his middle name? Do you even know his last name?" Justin raises his voice at me.

I stare at him shocked.

Why is he being so mean?

Tears build up in my eyes and he looks away. I feel dirty and ashamed. But I'm also mad at Justin. He thinks I'm a slut. I open my mouth to say something but can't say anything. My tears fall and I no longer want to be having this talk with him. He doesn't understand.

I get up quickly and go inside slamming the door. My arms cross over my chest and I keep my head down as I quickly walk towards the front door. Just as I'm turning the corner someone else is and we collided together. "Sorry- are you okay?" He says. I glare at josh and continue walking.

He was rude to me last time we talked. I rush out of the house and get in my car but josh is still following. He gets in the passenger side and looks at me but I look out the window, away from him. "Get out, " I say weakly.

I Wanna Turn You Around    !! Kellic !!Where stories live. Discover now