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So... Uh... Do you not like this story? I usually get more votes and stuff

Lmao I've posted 3 chapters today

Vic's pov

Sitting on the grass with my back to the concert I watch my brother talk to Tony.  They are sitting on my car's hood watching the clouds and birds in the sky.  It's quiet out here, I even left my phone at the house so I won't be tempted to use it.

Today I'm just going to try to relax and try not to be too sad.

I close my eyes and look upwards then I open them to see blue. Just blue. The blue sky is so light a happy. Ocean blue is more my mood, the dark gray-blue that just wants to swallow you whole.

Kellin's eyes are a mix of both. She seems so happy but I feel like I'm falling too fast and I'm going to get hurt. They don't seem to think of me more than a fuck buddy and here I am thinking about them all the time.

I look down at the green grass. Does kellin like the outdoors? He would look cute in a green floral dress. Or anything really, he's just so beautiful. With my hand on the grass, I close my hand gripping the grass harshly. Some grass blades being ripped out of the ground in the process.

My eyes go back to my brother to see him in his friend's arms. Tony is a good friend, I'm glad my brother has him. Its too far to hear them but I know Tony is talking to him in his soft kind voice. Trying to help him in any way he can.

Slowly I let oxygen fill my lungs and let go of the grass. The grass that I broke is sure to die, just because I closed my hand. I bring my knees up to my chest and cross my arms over them and hide my face in my arms.

I stay like this for a while until a shadow blocks out the sun. I look up to see my taller younger brother. He's grown so much since we were kids. Tony is still at the car waiting for us but not in a way that makes us hurry, he knows we stay here for a while.

"Want company or should I stay at the car?" He asks quietly. I scoot over and make it obvious I want him to sit next to me by patting the spot. He sits down and we both look at Tony who is putting on headphones and laying on the car.

"He's a good friend, " I say and he nods.

"Yeah um... I think I might actually... Well... I don't know, " he says. Looking at his hands. I look at him wondering what he was going to say.

"What?" I ask and he looks at me and then at the sky.

"I think I'm in love, " he says.

"With Tony?" I ask. I could tell but never bothered him with it. It is his decision, not mine.

He smiles and nods. "Yeah, but... I don't really know like... I don't feel gay? Like I've always liked Tony and recently realized I love him but... He's the only guy I've ever liked and I don't know what to do. He's my best friend, " he says. "I don't know why I'm talking to you about this, you aren't gay, " he says and I think for a moment before answering.

He thinks kellin is biologically a girl and that we are only friends. I'm not going to out kellin, ever. So I word this carefully. "I've been with a guy before. I'm bi or pan... Or whatever, I don't really care, " I say and mike raises his eyebrows.

"Since Dani?" He asks and I sigh not liking it when she's mentioned.

"Yeah, " I say and he smiles. A genuine smile. He really cares about me.

"So does that mean you might actually start talking to people again? What about kellin? She seems to like you, " he says.

"Talking? I am talking to her but if you mean dating I don't know, " I say.

I Wanna Turn You Around    !! Kellic !!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang