21 (not edited)

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I drive to Vic's instead of my house. It's stupid really. Coming here. Like, he is not going to let me in and it now raining. The best thing to do is to turn around and drive home.

When I pull into his driveway I'm getting ready to put it in reverse but lightning flashes across the sky and not even seconds later the sky is roaring.  I jump and let out a little yep. Oh my god that was so close! It's not super to thunder! I checked the weather to make sure I wouldn't be scared while at Justin's.

Anxiety starts filling my mind before I start zoning out. Both thunder and lightning clash making me almost wet myself with how hard I flinch. I put the car in park so it doesn't roll and start frantically looking for my pacifier.

Tears start slipping down my face and I can hear my breath even though its loud in my car. Rain is rapidly hitting my metal roof making lots of scary noise. I find my pacifier that says 'kitty' and shove it into my mouth.

Metal roof-

Oh my god.

Lightning flashes and a booming sound makes me whine. I'm scared.  If I stay in the car I might me struck, if I leave the car I might me struck and vic might also chase me away because he hates me. I'm such a bad person!  I lied!

I don't know what to do so I start crying. I'm crying for lots of reasons the main two are because I'm scared and the other is because I just want to be with Vic but I bleeped up. Pathetically I curl up in a little ball on my seat shaking and crying.

I don't know how long goes by but the car door opens making me tuck myself into I tighter ball trying to dissapear and hide. My crying has only increased since I got here. "Its not safe to be in a car," Vic voice says but I dont listen.  I dont want to get out of my car, the thunder and rain will get me!

He starts trying to pick me up but I latch onto the seat not letting him take me. Is he going to hurt me? "N-no! S-scawy!" I shout almost dropping my pacifier in the process but I dont let it fall. He stops and I craw in farther away so I'm in the passenger seat and now can see him.

He's getting wet with rain but doesn't seem to care about that, he looks worried about... me? I'm not sure. He gets lower looking at me with calm eye. "It's okay, we are going to go in the house so it's not scary," he says holding out one hand for me to take but I don't move.

He is talking in a soft calm voice like he's not mad at me...

"Come here, I'll even carry you in," he says trying to get me to take his hand. I blink and grab my pacifier so it doesn't fall as I talk.

"You hate Kellin," I mumble before letting go and continue to suck on my pacifier. He looks sad and goes to speak but lightning strikes a tree nearby and it booms and cracks instantly making terror fill me and I desperately craw to him and grab onto him. He helps me onto him and stands up more making me come out of the car.

Rain starts pouring on me and I tremble still feeling the terror in me from how close it was. I push my face into his wet shirt and he closes the door to my car. "It's okay, I know it's scary but its okay, " he says petting me with one hand as he walks.  His other hand is one my booty but I don't think either of us thinks anything of it. He takes me to the door and puts me down so he can open it.

As soon as it's open I bolt in looking for somewhere safe. My shakey legs take me to his room and I dive onto the carpet and crawl under the bed. My skirt is folded weird making my crotch touch the carpet  but my panties keep it for making contact with my no-no area.

I hear people talk and I blink not realizing I ran past people.  "-He's probably upset with me too, I shouldn't-" I hear Vic a little but it's hard to hear. I curl up more and suck on the pacifier in my mouth. Each time thunder roars I flinch and whimper.  It's scary, It's hard to think, and I'm confused.

Those aren't the best feelings when I'm little. I need Ellie. I hear the door open and see feet walk around the bed and then their knees. It's not Vic before Vic was wearing sweatpants not black ripped up jeans. 

The person lays down and I see their face and I'm still confused to who it is. I'm also scared of them so I flinch back a little.  "Can I come in?" They ask. They look and portray themself as a guy so I'll think with guy pronouns but I never say people's pronouns out loud if they don't tell me or I don't know them.

Can he come in?

There's enough space but... is he nice? Despite all the black clothes he looks sweet and I can tell he's more a quiet type. I nod and he smiles bu stands on his knees, disappearing mostly. "Mike give me peanut, she's in the back room," he says quietly and then crawls in.

I stare at him wondering who he is and why he's here. Under a bed with me. "I'm Tony," he says answering one of my questions. "Vic said you are kellin?" He asks and I nod slowly.  Thunder booms making me whimper and shove my face into the carpet. Tony moves around and I hear him whisper a thank you before feet walk away.

I look at him to see what he did and see a stuffed animal.  It's not mine, I don't have any green turtle friends. "Do you want to hold Peanut? " he asks giving me the stuffie. I take it and hold it to my chest. "He loves peanut butter and likes cuddles," he says quietly.

The stuffed animal, pacifier,  and being in a safe spot is calming me down a lot but I'm still upset and confused.  Vic probably hates me so why am I allowed in his house? Sometimes when I'm in little space I cant talk a lot and that's now. It's like I forgot how to talk. If i really try I can but that's too much works.

"How do you feel?" He asks and I blink. I don't know. I shrug a little but it's in a awkward way because I'm laying down on my stomach. "Do you want to talk to Vic? He didn't want to come interrupt you because he thinks you are upset with him, " he says and I know I have to talk.

I take my pacifier out and use my words. "He's the ingy one," I mumble.

"He's the angry one?" He repeats what I say so I nod. "He's not angry, he's just a little confused," he says and I pout. Why is he confused?  I put my pacifier in my mouth again because I don't want to talk more. "I'll go get him for you," he says scooting out.

It takes a few minutes but different shoes walk up and then kneel down and I see its sweatpants.  Vic? Thunder booms and I jump and hit my head on the bottom of the bed. I grab the spot on my head and whine.

Vic scoots his way under the bed but he's bigger than Tony or me so it's harder for him to move. "Hey," he says and I wave a little. I hold the stuffed animal close to my heart trying to keep calm. "Um... why are you here?" He asks softly. I look away and pout to myself.  Why is he going to ask me such a hard question?

I don't take out my pacifier making all my words muffled. "M'swry 'or wying" I apologize for lying about my age. He sighs and looks at my clothes or something. His eyes go back to mine and gives me a sad smile.

"You're seventeen right?" He asks and I feel myself get really confused.  I'm that old?

"Five," I say quietly and he raises his eyebrows.

"You're five?" He asks and I nod. Somewhere around there.  He smiles and little and nods. "Okay,  so how about instead of talking about that stuff we just get on the bed and cuddle?" He says and I feel reluctant.

On the bed isnt as safe...

I hold out peanut. "He comes?" I ask making sure he's allowed out from under the bed too Vic nods so I start squirming my way backwards and out from under the bed with Peanut.  Vic comes up from the other side and gets on the bed.

I get in the bed and cuddle up with him and close my eyes. It's past my bedtime,  its like.. 2 or something in the morning! Almost immediately I fall asleep in his arms.

So to get an editing/drawing app I deleted my app I use to edit these chapters with so these will be not edited for a while but I will eventually get it back and edit everything

I Wanna Turn You Around    !! Kellic !!Where stories live. Discover now