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I finally edited a chapter

Praise me

Wednesday I find myself at the mall going to the BDSM meeting. I'm wearing a pastel lolita dress with knee-high white socks. My white platform heels give me almost five inches to my height.

I have a plain white mask on and a white bow in my black hair. To make sure my pink choker is centered I touch it. It's on right so I go to the group.


I go to him and sit down. When I sit he looks surprised. "Uh, um. This-" he freezes. Oh, he thinks I'm unaware this is a munch meeting.

"Yeah I know, I was nervous I wouldn't meet anyone I knew here so I'm glad you're here, " I say. He looks at my choker and nods.

"Hm, okay, " he says shortly.

I look around and see a girl who's in her late twenties and she's wearing a choker from hot topic. It's cute but cheap. She's sitting with a girl to her right and nobody across from her.

Oli seems... Busy. He's just scrolling through social media on his phone not even looking at stuff.

Instead of bothering him I get up and sit across from the lady. "Hi, I'm kellin, " I say and she smiles. We shake hands.

"I'm April, " she says in a bored sounding tone. "I'm Andy!" The red hair girl says practically shoving April's hand out of the way. "Babe, they were talking to me firsttt, " the first girl says and then pouts.

Oooh, I really hope they are dating! They appear to be polar opposites so it's really cute. I totally get cat vibes off of April and dog vibes from Andy. "Oh! I love your outfit!" Andy says loudly. I smile and take off my mask. The tables are wide and nobody here is wearing their mask. I'm sure this virus will be gone soon.

"Thank you! I made a lot of it, " I say proudly.

"Can you make me a crow?" April asks.

"I have a website where I sell things I make. You can request items and if I think I can do it ill accept the request, " I say and April gets out her phone. "It's called CollarMe.Com, I mainly make chokers and collars but I might be able to make a crow, " I say and watch her find my website.

"You made these!?" Andy yells in April's face but she has no reaction.

"Yeah, I use real metal so it doesn't turn you green after wearing it for a while, " I say.

"These are pretty wicked, I'll definitely be buying one or two, " April says.


At home, I sit in my room with carebears on my tv. "And then I found out they are engaged! Like, imagine that! Being too much in love that you actually propose!" I tell cheese, my Littles pet shop plushie. She's yellow with candy designs on her.

"And guess what! I'm invited to their wedding!" I shout.

The wedding is going to be in a few months and I'm so excited. There's a noise coming from my living room so I freeze. What? I look at my closed door and wonder if I should go check it out. It sounded like...

A door opening?

An uneasy feeling sets in me. Frozen I listen trying to hear if there's anything indicating I'm wrong. My door is locked but I have no animals that could be making noise...

Maybe it was from the apartment above me or across from me. Slowly I get up and go to open my bedroom door but I drop my phone. With a thud, it hits the carpet. I pick it up and look at the time, it's eleven o'clock. My bedtime when I'm little.

I Wanna Turn You Around    !! Kellic !!Where stories live. Discover now