565 16 27

That's me and Ellie

Please comment lots? I'm upset and want to read comments...

"How did I let you convince me into letting you bring all of them, " Vic groans as he brings the last batch of friends. Batch? Oh, I want cookies!

"Cookies!" I say and he drops my stuffies on top of me.

"I'll go to the store and buy-"

"Make themmm- this is only half of them, " I say realizing he just said I convinced him to bring all of them. The other half is in my closet (their room) tucked away in blankets. They are hibernating. Yes, they are hibernating in may, so what. They don't like spring or whatever season it is.

"Okay okay, I only know how to make peanut butter cookies though, " he says. Usually, I'd want to help but my bum really does hurt.

"Okay, d-..." I freeze.

"D-do you want to get me the remote?" I say and he doesn't realize that was a cover-up.

"Yes, I would lovee to, " he says sarcastically but gets it for me. He then goes to the kitchen and I put my thumb in my mouth but hide it with my sleeve in case he walks back in.

I almost called him daddy... It was just because he's doing everything I ask and I'm little and and... What if he can read minds and gets uncomfortable?? Oh no, I'm such a bad person! How do I fix this??

I look at Vic to see him taking down ingredients not looking bothered at all. Oh yeah, he probably can't read minds. Silly me.

In my lap my phone dings so I look at it.

Jack: I just found your cat ear headband thing

He did!? I lost that like a month ago. On my birthday it went missing and I ended up crying so much. They are my favorite ears I have because they are so fluffy.


Jack: yeah it was under the couch

Ohhhhh, it probably fell off while we were playing twister.

Me: bring it to Justin's Friday?

Jack: yeah

I put it down and slowly get up. My lower back hurts so when I walk it's slow and stiff. Vic looks at me and I hold out my arms wanting him to pick me up. He comes over and hugs me. That works too.

I hug back and relax in his arms. "How do you feel?" He asks rubbing my back. How do I feel? I don't really know. I hum and try to get him to pick me up. He lifts me up and sets me on the counter. Since I don't let go he just stays hugging me.

Gently I rest my head on his shoulder. How do I feel? I sigh feeling less creative and bubbly. I sit up and let go of him breaking the hug. "Are you really asking?" I ask tempted to get something off my shoulders.

"Of course, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know, " he says. I don't know... I just meet him a few weeks ago, I don't need to talk about serious stuff. I'm not not an open person, I just don't really think now is the time to open up.

I look away from him and shrug. "Can I go take a nap?" I ask and he pushes my hair out of my face. His golden-brown eyes study my face for a moment trying to give me a chance to open up.

"Yeah, let me carry you, " he says about to pick me up. I put my hand on his chest. I just need to sleep this feeling off. I hardly ever feel like this. It's like I'm... Just sad. I don't like being sad, I'm never sad. Being sad shouldn't even be a thing right now, nothing bad has happened recently.

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