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I wrote this chapter already but I deleted it on accident so im going to write it again but probably not the same at all

Would you rather me not post until I can edit them?

In Justin's car, I hum along to his radio. I don't know the words but I do know the toon. If I did know the words I'd annoy Justin by singing it loudly and purposely off-key.

Hearing the radio is a weird change, I really only listen to my Spotify since somebody stole my car radio. I'm not going to sit in silence, I have a portable speaker that connects to my phone easily through blue tooth.

Justin parks in his driveway and we get out at the same time. I follow him to his house and wait for him to open the door for me before going in. Our friends are here, they all some reason end up here. Justin doesn't even have the best house out of us.

"Hey kellin, " Gabe says. Wow, he actually seems sober today.

I nod at him a little in a way that says 'sup'. A few people greet me and I wave and sit next Josh. He somewhat greets me with a nod and then continues scrolling through channels. "Kellin is going to plan the party so do whatever they ask you to do. She's in charge, " Justin announces and everyone agrees but continues to do what they are doing.

I get on my phone and go to my notes app. "So we have nothing?" I ask nobody yet everyone.

"I picked out a good spot for the party and some of my friends are there protecting it for us, " Nick says. Nick is probably the most responsible one in this friend group.

"It has a fire pit right?" I ask him and he nods. "Cool, " I say under my breath as look at a list I made for planning parties. "Send me the address to it, " I say and he gets on his phone to do so.

"Is this a big party?" I ask looking at Justin.

"Medium? Us and hot girls preferably, " he says. Typically.

"Okay I'll invite a few girls and tell them to bring friends, you guys should invite a couple of people too, " I say and some nod.

"Who's going to get the alcohol?" Jack asks. "I did last time, " the blonde-haired dude I've yet again forgotten the name of says.

"Everyone pitch in ten and I'll get it, " josh says. Everyone agrees with that and starts giving him money. He collects the money but I don't give him money. I need to buy other stuff.

"I'm coming with you, " I say getting up and following josh.

"You are?" He asks opening the door. I follow him out.

"Yeah, I need to get marshmallows and stuff and I didn't drive here, " I say getting in the passenger side as he gets in the driver's seat. I don't really know him all that much but Justin knows him and Justin doesn't make friends with bad people.

"Okay, " he says and I text Gabe to get firewood and things to burn there.

As we he drives I text people asking them if they want to come to the party. I ask for them to bring alcohol and to invite friends and a few people agree. I also invite Colson because I know he'll bring weed and probably will be selling it there so those people who buy from him could share too and the more people smoking at the party will make it a better party.

The car stops so I look up and see we are at a liquor store.  We get out and he starts picking out bottles of alcohol. "Carry these, " he says handing me some. We go to the checkout and the guy looks at me intensely.

"You're too young to buy these, " he says to me making my anxiety spike.

"She's not, I am. She's just here because my mum didn't want her to be alone at the house, " josh lies smoothly, it looks and sounds like he's speaking the truth.

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