22 (not edited)

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When I wake up I'm confused as to why I'm being smashed. I start whining and squirming around trying to push the heavy thing off of me. Why the fuck is even on me? I push it up a little and then it starts moving on it's own.

It sits up and looks down on me. Vic? Vic is now sitting on my waist looking down at me with a sleepy look. His hair is messed up and he looks like he needs coffee or to lay back down. Wh- oh. Oh yeah, I came here last night.

It's hard to remember what even happened.  I push my hair out of my face and rest my hand in my hair as I look at him still confused.  Why isn't he mad at me? He rubs his face and looks his eyes go to my stomach. He then pushes down my shirt and covers his mouth as he yawns.

"Are you feeling okay now?" He asks and I nod not knowing if he's talking about from a second ago when he was directly laying on top of me or when I was crying last night.  Either way I nod and he rubs his face again.

He's on me... I'm a bottom, I know, but how he is sitting makes me think about him ridding me. I'd still be bottom but- I close my eyes not wanting to have dirty thoughts right now. I then look to the side to see peanut and my pacifier.  Oh my god, Tony and Mike now know I'm a little!

"We need to talk," he says getting off of me and I blush and push down my skirt that wasn't in place showing off my blue panties. Sitting up I watch vic sit on the edge of the bed.

"About...?" I say slightly playing dumb.  But then again he might not be meaning the age thing... He sighs and I know that is what he meant. "Oh..." I mumble moving my hair out of my face again.

"When is your birthday?" He asks.

"April 24th... I'm only a year younger than I said," I say quietly.

He's quite for a moment. "You know In four months I'll be 26, that's 9 years different," he says and I nod slowly.  He glances at me and then to his hands.

"You're 17, why aren't you in school and dating people your own age? Am I just a thing you brag about?" He asks and I feel upset that he thinks that.

"I finished school online last year. People my age are really immature and I dont like teenagers, I have no teenage friends because they are stupid. I like you, that's why we do what we do. Not because I brag or anything, only 3 people know I'm seeing you and one was only because I cried last nigh because I missed you," I say trying to clear everything up.

"You actually missed me?" He asks and I nod sheepishly.

"I um... I really really like you. We weren't even dating but it felt- feels like we broke up," I say and he watches me but now I'm the one looking at their hands.

"I was going to ask you out at the zoo... but your a minor, I dont want to take advantage of you and hurt you.. or pervert you... ," he says making me look at his with wide eyes and my lips parted. He was going to ask me out?

"T-that- theres a lot I have to say about that," I stutter trying to think of everything I need to say. "First, you are not perverting me. I've been in the BDSM business for years, technically I'm perverting you. Second,  you only hurt me when you stopped talking to me. And third, is that true? You were going to ask me out?" I say and he bites his bottom lip.

"Yeah... I like you more than I should. I'm sorry for ignoring you but I'm just trying to decide if its smart to date someone so young.  I was feeling guilty thinking you were 18 and now I know you are even younger.  I was hoping you were about to turn 19 soon," he says and I feel a little hopeful. I have a chance.

"We both like each other, I think it will hurt both of us if we call this off," I start listing reasons why we shouldn't call this off. I now hold up two fingers.  "You aren't perverting me," I hold up another. "Sex is fucking amazing and you cant disagree, " I say putting up another finger. He chuckles a little and nods. "Its nice talking to you, hopefully you think the same about me," I say holding out five minutes fingers.  "I could go on," I say and then change hands.

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