19 (not edited)

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Vic: good morning beautiful, go eat and when you're done call me ❤

That is so sweet. I rub my eyes and yawn before trying to find something to text back. Vic is very sweet and cares about wether I eat or not. A long time ago I use to skip meals to keep from getting fat but I learned that I'm underweight so I forgot about all that bullshit.

I always eat plenty every day but it's nice that he cares. If I was still like that this would have helped me. In a way, it still helps me. I've learned to love myself because if I didn't, who would? I'm sure there are more people that love me than just me but I know that I'm loved so that's all that matters.

Of course, sometimes I forget about my good qualities and think of the bad ones instead but that's what this message helps with. It makes me know that he doesn't care if I gain a little weight (I won't by just eating breakfast but he doesn't mean for me to only eat breakfast, he just wants me to eat regularly).

It's funny how stupid I was back then, only one person started talking about skinny people (an unhealthy type of skinny) like it was the hottest thing ever. So I started thinking it was and wanted to be that skinny. It only lasted a few months before I really realized how it changed me. Mentally and physically.

After that happened I started reading self-help books and a bit of self-care stuff and I think it's really fun and beneficial to take care of myself. The only thing better than that is getting someone else to take care of me.

Me: good morning! Are you free? Maybe we can eat breakfast together

I get out of bed and go to my bathroom. I do everything from using the toilet to clip my nails. Now I have on a face mask and it's time to see if Vic texted me, I'm sure he did, it was kinda a long time I was doing bathroom things.

Vic: yeah I already ate but we can go to that IHOP and I'll get coffee and keep you company

Me: can you pick me up? I don't like driving across the highway

I'm still new to driving and only drive to Justin's every once in a while, usually, I walk. The mall is really close too so I will walk there unless I know I'm buying something. Usually, I buy things online because it's easier and it's like a present when it arrives in a box.

Vic: yeah should I leave now or wait?

Me: if you come now you'll have to watch me get ready, if you wait isll be able to leave when you get here

Vic: I'm coming

Me: the door is unlocked, I'll be in my room

I put my phone down and go unlock my door. I'm only in my panties so I slip on my silk shorts that I sometimes wear to bed and go back to my bathroom that's in my room. My face mask has give more minutes. I turn on my music softly and take off my nail polish and then putting on silver nail polish because I don't know what I'm going to wear yet.

After about five minutes I start peeling off the mask and once it's off I start washing my reddish face. That face mask hurts a little bit when I take it off because it rips out the peach fuzz off my face all with anything in my pours. As I'm washing my face I hear a knock on my front door before it opens.

I swear if it's not Vic I'll have a heart attack. My bathroom door is open so when he walks into my room we see each other. "Hi, sorry I thought it would take you a bit longer, I haven't even attempted to find something to wear yet, " I say drying my face in a soft fluffy towel before turning to him.

His eyes shoot up away from my stomach and to my eyes. Not so smooth Viccy. "That's very okay, " he says and I smile but turn back to the mirror, getting really close to it to see if my eyebrows are still okay. Vic appears in the mirror behind me and his eyes look at my reflection.

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