Chapter 1

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Russia POV

Russia was looking at his scars in the mirror of his own shack. He couldn't help but stare at them, they almost seemed not real, like they weren't there. But they were real. The stitches that covered his left arm. The large scar on his elbow that showed were the worst of the damage was. The long scratches across his torso. The scar that sliced across his eye. He sighed, the monsters really mangled him up. But on the bright side, he could move his left arm again. It sometimes hurt, but he could move it. He started exercising immediately after it healed enough. But even with all the work, all he could lift was a tissue, and even that tired out his arm. At least he could use it again, even if it was really weak. His hip was just permanently bruised and was always aching. Like Germany had said, he had a permanent limp, the bruising proved he would never walk again without it hurting a little.

 Like Germany had said, he had a permanent limp, the bruising proved he would never walk again without it hurting a little

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He was happy to be back with his friends though. It's been two weeks since they made it to the Safe Point. The others had really forgiven him, and they were finally managing to get settled. But it would t be for to much longer, they were leaving soon. Off to find the Kill Switch.

They had spent the past two weeks planning, deciding what to do. They came to one conclusion, one plan they all agreed on. Send three of their best people to find the Kill Switch, leaving the rest to build a home for when (or if) they return. Tonight, they were going to decide who would leave in the morning, and who would stay.

" Hey Russia," Pip opened his door and saw him standing there without his shirt," Nice abs."

" Thanks," said Russia, slipped his sweat shirt on.

He only had this, and some pants left for clothing. Everything else had been shredded by monsters, including his ushanka. And his sweater only had one sleeve. Germany said it was for the best of Russia could always see his wounds, just incase something happened so he'd be able to see. So he didn't have a left sleeve.

" Is the meeting starting," asked Russia.

" Yeah," said Pip," Hurry up!"

" Coming," said Russia.

He grabbed his walking stick and limped out of the door, leaning on the stick. The others were already gathered.

" The dead hath risen," said SV, in a royal voice.

" Ha ha," said Russia, smiling.

" Okay gang," said America," We have a decision to make."

\\THE KILL SWITCH//-(RusAme AU)Where stories live. Discover now