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It was cold.

It was very cold and very wet.

Sam broke the surface of the water with a gasp, stroking her hair out of her face and blinking to regain some sort of vision. "Dammit!" she shouted as she hit the water with a fist. It wasn't supposed to go like this! They were supposed to stay together, use the class as a cover to send some big attacks, and then trap Shigaraki. They had it all figured out to the tiniest details, but now that was useless!

Not to mention the villains that were now also hiding under the water.

"Sam!" Tsu was seated on the side of the ship and jumped in the water. "Did anyone else come here as well?" she asked as Sam took a hold of her shoulder. 

"Midoriya, he hasn't come up yet! You get him, and I'll swim to the boat!" Sam pushed Tsu in the right direction and started swimming toward the boat. The moment she reached the side, Tsu jumped out of the water, her tongue wrapped around Midoriya. A few seconds later, Sam was helped up to the side of the boat.

Midoriya seemed to be pretty out of it when Sam climbed over the railing. Tsu was looking out over the water, probably analyzing and trying to find a possible escape route. Sam let Tsu be and crouched beside Midoriya, who was sitting with his back against the wall. "Are you okay?" she asked, her hand softly landing on his shoulder.

It seemed to snap him out of his mental turmoil and his wide eyes latched onto her. "Y-yeah! Just, eh, give me a second. Please."

"I don't know if you have a second," Tsu commented in her deadpan voice. She turned to them and pointed around the boat. "They're everywhere. But they're waiting on something."

"Or someone," Sam growled.

Midoriya stood up on wobbly feet and clutched to the railing. Sam came to stand beside him. Midoriya's eyes scanned their surroundings and a small light seemed to ignite in his eyes. "They're waiting on us," he said. "They don't know our Quirks and are hesitant to attack because they don't know what to expect from us."

"Surprise attack it is," Sam said, one foot on the railing already.

"No, wait!" Midoriya yelped, and he grabbed onto her wrist. "We need to plan this!"

Sam had the urge to push him away, throw him over the side. Her friends were in danger! They hadn't planned this scenario properly enough, evidently. Sam knew exactly what to do if they hadn't been separated. She would've stuck to her part, leave the rest to the others, and had accepted it. She was prepared for that situation. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

This wasn't how it was supposed to happen! How was she supposed to go about this? Her friends were stuck in different zones and she didn't even know for sure which ones! Kurogiri's warping had already messed up their pre-planned teams. She was supposed to be with Kirishima, explaining eve--

"Oh no."

"What? Are they attacking?"

"Danny's stuck with Bakugou."

A loud crash made the statement disappear. The ship rumbled and started creaking.

"They're trying to get us into the water!" Midoriya exclaimed, holding onto the railing with a tight grip. "Quick! We need a plan!"

Tsu simply stuck herself to the floor and quickly said, "I'm fast in the water and can use my tongue to carry one person. If we manage to trap them, we can escape."

Sam frantically looked around, now panicking. "We have no capturing tape! There's nothing to even put them and hope they'll stick!"


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