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The Desert Wolf rears her clawed hand back again in an attempt to kill Malia, just as the light fixture above Deaton's head, as well as those throughout the rest of the room, explode as well from the powerful force of Faline's awakening scream of Malia's name, which seems to have traveled across town.

This scares the Desert Wolf so much that she lets go of Malia and stands to her feet as she looks over at the broken lights. Seeing an opportunity, Malia summons all the strength she has and kicks her long leg up into the air until it hits her mother in the gut and forces her backward, buying her enough time to stand to her feet. Malia is standing, her eyes glow bright blue, and she roars as she allows her teeth to extend into fangs in anticipation of a fight. In response, the Desert Wolf roars as she partially transforms as well, with the exact same blue eyes as Malia. After the break, Malia and the Desert Wolf start fighting, with each woman slashing and kicking at the other. The Desert Wolf manages to avoid Malia's blows and grabs her by the shoulders before throwing her toward the front of one of the military vehicles.

Faline wastes no time rushing out of her room and into the hallway of the closed unit, where guards are rushing toward her from both directions which causes her to pause. She stops halfway between the two-unit doors and takes in the threat from both sides before deciding to rush forward, kicking the first guard in the stomach and wrapping her legs around his neck while he's doubled over so she can pull him onto the ground. She then scrambles to her feet and heads toward the second oncoming guard before she spins, kicking him straight in the face sending him sprawling back with a loud grunt.

"Petrificus!" Faline shouts and the guard locks up.

Faline flips her hair over her shoulders before standing to her feet when she sees another guard rushing toward her. She thrusts her hands forward, creating a concussive pink blast that flings the man back down the hall as the light fixture above him explodes and hits him with sparks. The guard then collapses onto the floor, allowing Faline to scamper through the open door into the general unit.

Her bare feet barely sound against the floor as she runs, ignoring the burning in her lungs and she focuses on the adrenaline coursing through her blood pushing her forward.

Faline gets out of the front door but is stopped by a shock through her back. Faline falls on all fours on the front steps of the facility, where she is soaked by the pouring rain as a half-dozen guards shock her over and over with their taser wands. When she tries to get up, two guards grab her by the wrists and pin them behind her back as she desperately struggles to break free.

"Please! I have to tell them! They're going to die! My friends... they're all going to die"

"I'm afraid we still have a lot planned Miss Michaels"

Faline falls onto the ground twitching as the shocks course through her body.

"Take her away"

Scott, Stiles, Kira, Malia, Lydia, and Liam are all gathered around the kitchen table at the McCall House, which is covered in what looks like blueprints and photos of the outside of Eichen House. They all look at each other in turn and nod in silent agreement as to what they're planning to do. Scott turns to Liam, who looks bashful as he lays a file on the table that reads "EICHEN SECURITY LOG," and Stiles follows up by holding up the stolen key card from earlier and laying it down as well. Scott smiles at the members of his pack before getting a determined look in his eyes.

"Now we get Faline"

Scott looks at Kira, who smiles, before doing the same with Liam, Stiles, Lydia, and Malia in turn, all of whom look just as eager to break their dear friend out of Eichen House once and for all.

"Now we get Faline" Stiles confirms, determination set in his face.

"Now we get Faline" Stiles confirms, determination set in his face

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