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Faline is stood with Allison at her locker both girls talking about the chemistry assignment and Mr. Harris.

"I think Haris should just quit his job as a teacher," Faline says, to her friend who giggles and shakes her head. "Literally he was put on this earth to torture students mentally, he's such a-"

"Nice dress," A voice says and both girls look up to see a boy with a camera around his neck. "I meant Faline"

"Nice camera," Faline says, gesturing towards the camera and he grins, scratching his neck.

"Not her sister, her aunt" Faline hears Harley say. "The one who murdered all those people"

"You mean the crazy bitch who killed all those people?" The girl's friend asks.

"Yeah the fire, all those animal attacks. It was her aunt" The girl replies.

"Are you kidding? I sit next to her in English" The girl replies.

"Find a new seat" The two girls giggle and Faline takes a deep breath.

"I'm about to add two more people to the list of those murdered in this town," Faline says, slamming Allison's locker door shut.

"Lee, no" Allison says but Faline walks over to the two girls.

"It must really suck to have to be you all the time," Faline says, crossing her arms and the two girls turn to face her.

"I beg your pardon?" Harley asks as Faline glares at her.

"I mean are your mediocre lives that pathetic and sad that you have to wrap yourselves up in other people's lives? People's personal lives that are already on display enough?" Faline asks, raising an eyebrow at the two girls.

Harley's friend opens her mouth and Faline holds up a finger.

"That was rhetorical which means I didn't want an answer, so maybe instead of complaining about sitting next to Allison in English you should get some work done, maybe then you won't have to wait an hour for your two brain cells to finally fucking...

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"That was rhetorical which means I didn't want an answer, so maybe instead of complaining about sitting next to Allison in English you should get some work done, maybe then you won't have to wait an hour for your two brain cells to finally fucking collide and spark some kind of action upstairs. Talk about Allison again, I'll tear your tongues from your mouths, okay?"

Harley and her friend nod with wide eyes and Faline grins at them.

"I'm glad we understand one another," Faline says. "Now run along, you've got classes to get to"

Faline gives the two girls a bright, sarcastic smile before skipping over to Allison who shakes her head, giving her friend a grin.

"Problem solved," Faline says.

"I don't think they will be bothering you again," The boy who complimented Faline's dress says to Allison.

"Scott's in the science classroom first on your right walking that way" Faline whispers to Allison pointing at the door she means.

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