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Outside Faline's room, Stiles is still hiding around the corner and eavesdropping on the confrontation currently underway-- Tracy has Valack pinned in a choke-hold against the wall in the hallway as Theo, noting the trephination hole in Faline's skull, scoffs incredulously.

"I can't believe this is actually a medical establishment"

Despite being in a chokehold, Valack looks at Theo curiously.

"Now, what would a pack of Chimeras want with a regent witch?"

Theo smirks at Valack, clearly enjoying that he seemingly has the upper hand in this scenario.

"I don't want a witch. I'm looking for a Hellhound. Who is her half brother"

Stiles' eyes widen in shock when a loud, rumbling roar is heard through the hallway, just as Parrish, in full Hellhound-mode, appears behind the gate that the Chimera Pack had walked through several minutes earlier and uses his clawed hands and Hellhound fire to melt the metal gate, causing it to glow as brightly as the fire around his body as it collapses into a twisted pile on the floor. Valack looks somewhat satisfied by this development as he turns to address Theo, who is whose eyes are wide in surprise.

"You wanted a Hellhound? I think you found one" Valack says.

Theo continues to stare curiously at Parrish, who bursts into flames and roars threateningly at the Chimeras before walking through the now-destroyed gate toward Faline's room. Corey and Josh, who have just heard all of the commotions, walk out into the hallway and gape in shock at Parrish as he continues to walk toward them. Stiles, who is seeing Parrish's full Hellhound form for the first time, seems to be unsure of what his arrival means for their plan.

Tracy, who is in her usual partial-Kanima form, is still pinning Valack against the wall by the throat as Theo smirks in satisfaction at the sight of Parrish in front of them. Unbeknownst to either of them, Stiles is in the adjacent hall, watching this confrontation from around the corner as Parrish continues to slowly stalk toward them. Josh extends his fangs and claws in preparation for a fight while Theo rushes into the nearby room, grabs the still-weak and woozy Faline, whose head is still bleeding from Valack's trephination, and holds her in a choke-hold as well to use as leverage against Parrish, who growls at him threateningly.

"Back off" Theo snarls.

Parrish ignores him and continues to walk toward the group, and Faline looks horrified and lets out a gasp as Theo tightens his grip so much that her neck starts to bleed where his claws are digging into her skin, making it clear that he's fearful of what Parrish could do.

"I said, back off" Theo repeats.

Parrish continues to pay no attention to his orders, so Theo jerks his head toward Josh, Corey, and Tracy as a gesture to move.

"Take him"

Corey looks terrified and scoffs incredulously as he looks at Theo as though he's crazy.

"The guy's on fire!" Corey exclaims.

Theo groans in annoyance at Corey's lack of fearlessness.

"You'll heal. Do it!"

Corey hesitates, while Tracy, eager to fight and happy to follow Theo's orders without question, drops Valack onto the floor and hisses loudly as she lunges for Parrish, jamming her claws into his stomach to paralyze him. Unfortunately for Tracy, Parrish seems to be immune to Kanima venom and simply gives her an unimpressed look before hitting her in the temple with his elbow with so much force that she's thrown against the bulletproof glass door. She's briefly knocked unconscious when her head slams against the wall, which causes her to collapse onto the floor in a heap.

Josh takes Tracy's defeat as a cue to leap into action, using his super-strength to break one of the metal tubes that protect the wires running through the building so he can siphon electricity from the cables and shock Parrish. However, just as with Tracy, Josh learns the hard way when he pierces Parrish's shoulder with his glowing purple claws that his electrokinesis also does not affect him whatsoever. Josh turns back to Theo with a horrified and panicked expression before shouting at him.

"Theo, this isn't working!"

Theo looks equally panicked when he realizes his pack is essentially powerless against the Hellhound as Parrish shoves Josh in the chest and knocks him against the wall. He bounces off and lands on the floor next to the barely-conscious Tracy, who is still recovering from her own injuries.

Theo is so preoccupied with the fight against Parrish that he doesn't see Valack sneak back into Faline's room to grab the drill he used to perform trephination on Faline before jamming it into the back of Theo's thigh through his hamstring muscle and drilling deep. Theo roars in pain and reflexively lets go of Faline and falls to his knees, causing Faline, who is too weak to stand to her feet after all of Valack's "medical" procedures, to do the same. Stiles continues to watch the battle nervously from the end of the hall as Valack continues to drill into Theo's leg for another moment before pulling it out and slamming the butt of the drill into Theo's temple. Faline, not wanting to be taken by Valack or the Chimeras, screams at them to stop.


"Sorry, Theo, but I'm not done with her yet"

Stiles' face grows furious as he watches Valack pick Faline up to carry her away. Stiles intercepts them and gets in Valack's way.

Parrish lifts Corey off of his feet and throws the still-burning Corey down the hall, where Valack just barely manages to move himself and Faline out of the way before getting hit. Unfortunately for Stiles, he isn't nearly fast enough, and Corey's smoldering, scorched, and unconscious body flies through the air and directly hits him, causing him to fall backward onto the floor before Corey lands on top of him.

Theo, who is still recovering from the injuries Valack inflicted on him and who has no interest in being hurt like the others, crawls across the floor to pick up the metal pipe that Josh broke off the wall earlier. Standing on his knees, Theo throws the pipe at Parrish like a javelin, which impales him through the chest and causes the reddish-orange flames in his eyes to extinguish and return to their usual green color before he falls to his knees.

By the time Stiles can extricate himself from underneath Corey's charred and unconscious body, Valack has already shoved Faline down the hallway and locked the door behind them. Stiles desperately pounds against the door and even tries throwing his entire body weight against it in an attempt to break it open, with no success.



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