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Faline blindfolds her three closest friends and drives in Derek's car which she borrowed from the very reluctant werewolf.

"Come on," Faline says, pulling Allison by her hand as Scott and Stiles follow.

"Where are we going?" Allison asks her best friend with a laugh as she stumbles.

"Just come on" Faline giggles, slowly guiding her friend.

Faline removes each of their blindfolds to reveal a small but beautiful field. Faline wiggles her fingers, causing a small breeze in the air.

The grass flattened under the wind in beautiful shimmering waves, each blade turned momentarily to reflect brilliant moonlight. Each one was no more than a slim wand of green, yet together they danced in a perfect rhythm.

"It's beautiful," Allison says.

"That's not even the best part," Faline says.

The black before them had a velvet quality like the air had been thickened somehow. The starry night above was better than any software imitation that could ever be created. There were lighter patches in the sky, clusters of faint and bold light scattered across the sky, the constellations altered according to the time of year. These were the same stars that greeted the ancients of the world, the same ones that would be there in millions of years' time when everyone on this earth was gone.

"Are you ready?" Faline asks, looking back at her friends with a big grin.

"The anticipation of this is killing me!" Allison says. "Come on!"

Faline takes her hands before blowing out of her fingers, stirring up the fireflies that were hiding in the grass. After so many nights of blackness, the fireflies were a welcome relief. They danced in a heady swarm of light, like a frozen firework explosion above the lake. The fireflies danced in the night as if choreographed by every joyous memory and dream. Faline

"I thought after so much darkness we deserved some light," Faline says as Allison squeals in delight whilst Scott and Stiles let out loud gasps.

Faline then throws her hands up again and releases her clenched fists and fireworks burst through the dark night, fiery blooms amongst the stars. Stiles is less interested in the display than in watching Faline's expressions, how they light up her face just as she smiles, like a perfect real-life photograph. As the fireworks explode above, vivid colors ignite the otherwise black sky. Faline clasps Stiles' hand, her pink glove inside his bare fingers, her face alight with excitement. Fireworks burst above, searing their brilliant light and vivacious color onto their retinas. Each one draws a pattern into the sky, something unique and breathtaking, never to be repeated exactly no matter how many are ignited and sent to their skybound destiny.

"We're camping tonight," Faline says.

"I don't have any-"

"Your dad helped me pack you a bag. I think he may actually like me magic or no magic" Faline says. "But your mother? That is one scary woman. I packed you all bags of clothes and food"

"I know" Allison giggles.

"There's no light or wood for a campfire," Scott says.

"Post tenebras spero lucem" Faline produces a ball of pink and purple light and throws it into the air and the light shines across the field.

"There are only two tents," Allison says.

"I only had two," Faline says. "But they're all decked out beautifully"

"Well I'll share with Scott," Allison says. 

"Looks like we're sharing," Stiles says and Faline nods.

"I downloaded The Corpse Bride," Faline says as Scott and Allison head into their own tent.

"This movie is dumb." Stiles whines for the fifth time.

"Don't be such a boy" Faline wraps her arms around his torso and hugs him close. "You'll enjoy it"

Stiles' arms encircle her waist and her head lolls to his shoulder.

"Maybe" he murmurs with a tiny sigh.

They get to the end of the movie and Faline sniffles as Emily turns into the butterflies.

"Are you crying?" Stiles asks.

"No" Faline's voice cracks and Stiles pulls her closer with a laugh. "It's just sad"

"Aw you big softie"

Faline pushes him slightly.

"Leave me alone," Faline says, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her top.

"Shh" Stiles says before they hear certain noises from Scott and Allison.

"Are they-" Faline asks.

"They are," Stiles says, and Faline snickers.

"Wow" Faline giggles. "They aren't even subtle about it"

"They couldn't wait for just one night?" Stiles asks and they burst into laughter when Scott lets out a moan cross with a howl.

"They couldn't wait for just one night?" Stiles asks and they burst into laughter when Scott lets out a moan cross with a howl

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