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"What?" Stiles asks as they walk through the streets of Beacon Hills.

"What do you mean 'what'?" Scott asks.

"I mean 'what' and you know what"

"What 'what'?" Scott asks.

"That look you were giving," Stiles says.

"I didn't give a look," Scott says.

"There was a distinct look Scott," Stiles says. "Wasn't there?"

"I don't know," Faline says, lacing her fingers with Stiles' on the arm that was thrown over her shoulder.

"What look?" Scott asks.

"The look that says that the last thing you feel like doing right now is going to a party," Stiles says.

"Come on Scott," Faline says. "I picked your outfit. Do you know how hard that was with your fashion sense and wardrobe?"

"It's not that," Scott says. "It just seems a little weird going to a different high school's party"

"Oh my go, one drink alright?" Stiles says. "You'll be fine. I went to nursery school with this girl, okay? She promised to introduce us to all her friends. So tonight, no Allison. Tonight you're moving on"

"You're going to go in there and get a cute girl's number," Faline says.

"You're right," Scott says.

"That's right we're right," Stiles says.

"Moving on," Scott says.

"Onward and upward for you," Stiles says.

"Let's do this" Scott says.

"That's what I'm talking about," Faline says and they all high five.

"Let's do a dance to get you prepared," Stiles says and Faline watches in horror as they begin to dance in the street.

"Let's do a dance to get you prepared," Stiles says and Faline watches in horror as they begin to dance in the street

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"How does my breath smell?" Scott asks.

"I'm not smelling your breath," Stiles says.

Faline digs around in her purse.

"Here" Faline hands Scott some gum.

Stiles walks in and a girl attaches her lips to his. Scott grabs Faline to stop her from ripping the girl's hair out.

"I have a girlfriend," Stiles says.

"I don't see her" The girl, Heather, says and Faline stands behind her.

"Turn around"

Heather looks down at her.

"Now you see her" Faline crosses her arms.

"I don't see much" Heather cocks an eyebrow.

The pair step up to one another, Heather having a few inches on Faline but the witch just glared, not at all intimidated by the blonde.

"Okay," Scott says, stepping between them.

"Look at her shoes," One of Heather's friends says.

"Oh, Louboutins," Heather says. "The shoes for wannabe models"

"You might wanna be shutting your face there," Faline says.

"Really?" Heather asks.

"Really," Faline says.

"My daddy says I could become a model," Heather says.

"Well, I wouldn't listen to everything daddy says," Faline says. "Especially when he tells you you're pretty"

"OKAY! We'll go and get drinks" Stiles says. "Heather why don't you get acquainted with Scott"

"Stiles get some wine from the cellar," Heather says, biting her lip at Scott who goes red.

They get to the cellar and Faline slams her lips to Stiles'.

"You're hot when you're jealous," Stiles says.

"I'm going to make you forget she ever existed," Faline says, kicking off her shoes.

She reconnects her lips with Stiles' and begins to unbuckle his belt.

"Are you sure?" Stiles asks. "I don't have any uh-"

"Every house has some in the bathroom," Faline says.


"You should go get them" Faline bites her lip.

"Going," Stiles says, running upstairs.

"Faline was it?" Heather walks in. "Listen I want to apologize. I'm just sick of being a seventeen-year-old virgin. My friends tease me for it all the time"

"Your friends sound like they suck," Faline says, looking at the wine bottles. "You should probably get some better ones"

"I hate it. I'm like virgin Mary"

"Listen to me," Faline says. "Mary gets knocked up by another man. Holy child or not, still infidelity"

"I can see why Stiles likes you so much," Heather says.

"I can see why you're one of his closest friends," Faline says. "Listen I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot"

"It's okay" Heather grins and Faline smiles back.

"I got one" Stiles says, walking into the cellar and they make their way to Heather's spare room, not realizing they would be the last people to see Heather alive.

"Really?" Faline bites her lip. "Well that's good news"

Stiles kisses Faline and they fall back on the bed. Stiles lies on his back as Faline straddles his waist, pressing a kiss to his lips once again.

Stiles groans as Faline grinds against him.

"Did I tell you-" Faline says, twirling her fingers in Stiles' hair. "How much I love the long hair?"

"Baby, I'll keep it long if it gets this kind of reaction" Stiles groans, pulling Faline's shirt over her head before he presses his lips to her neck.

"Perfect" Faline says, pressing kisses to Stiles' neck as she smoothly undoes the zipper on his trousers.

"Do you know where Heather is?" One of Heather's friends asks bursting into the room. "And you were the last one down there with her"

"We apologized to each other you bimbo," Faline says. "Then I came upstairs to have sex with my boyfriend. Maybe she's realized what shitty friends you all are and left"

Stiles goes red at Faline's words.

"What do you mean shitty friends?" The girl asks.

"She told me you all make her feel like an outcast for being a virgin," Faline says.

"We- I- It's just a joke" Heather's friend stammers.

"Well, Heather didn't find it funny," Faline says. "So maybe you should reflect on being a good friend"

 "So maybe you should reflect on being a good friend"

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