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Stiles peeks his head with Faline in to see Kira and Scott pulling away from each other. Scott lays back and closes his eyes, and Kira turns back to the two inquisitive teens, nodding to communicate that they're okay. Stiles nods in return and gently closes the door behind him, only to find Malia and Braeden waiting for him in the hallway. Stiles and Faline take one look at the grim expressions on their faces and immediately begin to worry.

"What?" Stiles asks.

Braeden and Malia give each other a significant look, and Stiles becomes even more panicked as Faline comfortingly rubs his arm.

"What? What did I do?"

Braeden sighs and turns to Malia.

"Tell him"

Stiles looks at Malia, both confused and concerned.

"You know how my mother wants to kill me? I think she might want to kill you, too-"

Stiles is momentarily taken aback and Faline's eyes widen slightly.

"Okay. Uh, that's disconcerting-" Stiles says.

Stiles pauses to think for a moment before looking up at the girls.

"I should probably have a gun," Stiles says.

Malia seems to think this is a reasonable request and looks at Braeden, who scoffs loudly. Stiles looks at Faline who shrugs, clearly in agreement with Braeden.

"I'm not giving you a gun!"

"You have a gun. The Desert Wolf-- who is trying to kill me-- has a gun. I think I should probably have a gun!" Stiles says.

Malia turns back to Braeden and gives her a look, and Braeden rolls her eyes before she takes out her Sig Sauer. She takes off the clip and gives Stiles a wary look before tossing him the unloaded gun. Stiles' attempt to catch it is comical at best, with him fumbling to keep it in his hands until it finally clatters to the ground. Braeden gives him a look that says, "I told you so," and Malia rolls his eyes as Stiles begins to look embarrassed.

"I probably shouldn't have a gun"

"No, I think not," Faline says.

Faline looks up when she hears Scott walking downstairs, where she was sat with Stiles, Kira, Malia, Lydia, and Liam, all of whom stayed the night the previous night, discussing what they know about their current situation around the kitchen table.

"My dad's got an APB out," He says.

"For a 5'8" sixteen-year-old?" Kira asks.

"I recommended "nine-foot-tall rampaging werewolf"-" Stiles says and Faline shakes her head.

"It still might not be him-" Liam says.

The rest of the pack gives him a look that is part-sympathy, part-skepticism, and Liam sighs.

"But, Hayden's at the school looking"

Scott finally joins the conversation at the table

"My mom can check all the hospitals in the county"

The pack all turns to face him, looking surprised and relieved that he's healed and seemingly fine. When Scott sees the anxious look on Liam's face, his face becomes reassuring.

"We can find him," Scott says.

"What happens then?" Liam asks.

"We figure out a way to save him," Faline says and Scott nods.

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