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Faline and Stiles are walking to meet up with Lydia when Stiles looks at his phone.

"What?" Faline asks. "What's happened?"

"It's from Isaac," Stiles says. "Jennifer, she- She has Allison's father. She took him. She's got all three now"

"There's still time," Faline says. "We still have time. Stiles, you okay? What's wrong? Stiles"

Stiles has a look in his eye Faline had seen before. It's the look Faline had seen in the amnesiac patient's eyes when they come in for treatment, wild, not even knowing who people were. It was a look she had, had many times in herself. It doesn't belong on his face and it scares Faline. He's the one who always knows what to do, what to say. Then he bends over double, hands on his knees, struggling to regulate his breathing.

"I think I'm having a panic attack" Stiles gasps and Faline's eyes widen.

They make their way into the boys' locker room and Faline helps Stiles sit down on the floor.

"Okay. Come on. Come on" Faline says. "In here"

Faline helps Stiles sit down before kneeling in front of him.

"Just try and think about something else," Faline says. "Anything else"

"Like what?" Stiles asks.

"Um- Happy things," Faline says. "Good things. Uh- Friends. Family-"

Stiles looks at his girlfriend and she shakes her head.

"I mean not family," Faline says. "Oh god, okay. Just try and slow your breathing"

"I can't, I can't" Stiles pants beginning to hyperventilate.

Faline places her hands on his face, holding it still so he could look into her eyes. Stiles' breathing remains heavy as he stares into his girlfriend's eyes.

"Stiles look at me," Faline says. "Shhh. Look at me. Shh. Stiles. Stiles"

Faline presses her lips to Stiles', closing her eyes as she kisses him. Stiles' eyes widen in shock before he closes his eyes. When Stiles' breathing regulates Faline pulls away.

"How'd you do that?" Stiles asks.

"I read about how kissing makes you hold your breath," Faline says. "Holding your breath stops panic attacks. When I kissed you, you held your breath"

"I did?"

"Yeah," Faline says. "You did. It was like I've never kissed you before"

"It was just unexpected," Stiles says and Faline smiles sadly at him. "It was really smart"

"Would you expect anything less?" Faline asks with a chuckle.

"No," Stiles says.

"If I was really smart," Faline says. "I would tell you to sign up for a few sessions with the guidance counselor"

"Morrell," Stiles says.

Faline and Stiles rush towards Miss Morell's office, Lydia tagging along with them.

"Are you waiting for Miss Morell?" Stiles asks.

"No, I thought this was gym class" The girl sat at the desk replies sarcastically.

"Sweetheart we're not in the mood for funny" Faline says. "Do you know where she is?"

"If I did, I wouldn't be waiting here for twenty minutes," The girl says. "So how about you two back out the door and wait your turn"

"How about you shut up before I tear your tongue from your head. Then you'll have no use for a guidance counselor" Faline says.

"We're not here for a session," Lydia says.

"Well I am and I've got some serious issues to work on"

"You're Danielle," Stiles says. "You're Heather's best friend"

"I was Heather's best friend," Danielle says. "We've been working on that issue three times a week"

"Okay so she's utterly useless," Faline says. "Can we go now?"

"Hold on," Lydia says. "Did you say Miss Morell was twenty minutes late?" Lydia asks.

"And I don't know why either" Danielle says. "She's always on time"

"I was seeing her at the beginning of the semester," Lydia says. "She was never late"

"I was too," Faline says.

"Then she's not late," Stiles says. "She's missing"

"What if we're not the only ones who think she knows something?" Lydia says.

"Then I wanna know what she knows," Stiles says.

Faline squats down with Stiles, taking a hairpin out of her hair to pretend to unlock the drawer.

"Dissero" Faline whispers and the draw opens.

"What are you doing?" Danielle asks.

"Trying to find her"

"Those files are private"

"Sweetheart," Faline says. "Honestly, your brand of psychosis couldn't matter less to me at this point"

"She's kind of right," Lydia says.

"That one's yours" Stiles holds out Lydia's folder before holding out Faline's. "This is yours"

Lydia opens her file.

"It's your drawing," Stiles says.

"It's a tree"

"It's good too," Danielle says.

"Lydia" Faline says, looking in her file. "Why have we been drawing the same tree?"

"They're the same," Lydia says.

"They're exactly the same though," Stiles says. "The same one I always see you drawing in class and the ones that are scattered across my desk from Faline. Give me your sketchbooks"

Faline hands Stiles hers and Lydia hands hers to him too. Stiles begins flicking through the pages to reveal identical trees.

"Okay, you can have my session," Danielle says. "You've got bigger issues"

"I know where they are," Faline says, turning the sketch upside down. "Poetic really. It's the nemeton. That's where she's keeping them, it has to be. We'll have to ask Peter or Derek because I cannot remember where it is"

"Stilinski!" McCall shouts.

"Go to Derek, okay?" Stiles says. "He and Peter they've been there before with Faline so they'll know where it is"

"How come you can't remember?" Lydia asks.

"I was eight or nine," Faline says. "Besides Talia took it from my memory"

 "Besides Talia took it from my memory"

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