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"Hey, Faline," Matt says approaching the girl who was stood against the bleachers waiting for the game to begin so she could sneak away.

"Oh hey, Matt," Faline says with a smile.

"Hey, listen," Matt says. "For my photography project, we've got to photograph things we find beautiful. I was wondering if I could take your photo?"

"Um sure," Faline says, feeling slightly creeped out by the request.

"Thanks," Matt says, lifting his camera, and Faline smiles.

The camera clicks and Matt puts it down. Allison looks at Faline as the whistle blows and she nods her head.

"Hey, Matt," Faline says. "I have something to do but I'll catch up with you later"

Faline runs away, towards the school trying to get there as fast as she can.

Faline walks to Gerard's office, before pointing her hand at the lock.

"Dissero" Faline whispers, before hearing the lock unclick as she turns her hand.

Faline opens the door and gets to work. Faline begins going through the desk drawers looking for an old book that matches Allison's description.

"Have you found it?" Stiles asks running in.

"No there's not book" Faline replies. "Text Allison"

"Nothing here" Stiles mutters.

"Hello, Stiles," Erica says, before grabbing the boy by the arm.

"Freaking Derek," Faline says, following the pair through the school before they get to the pool.

"Stiles," Derek says as the two girls stand next to him.

"Derek," Stiles says.

"What did you see at the mechanic's garage?" Derek asks.

"Uh, several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting," Stiles says.

Derek smiles mockingly as Erica chuckles. But then Derek extends his claws before puncturing the basketball.

"Holy God," Stiles says.

"Let's try that again," Derek says.

"Alright," Stiles says. "The thing was pretty slick looking. Um, its skin was dark. Kind of patterned. Uh, I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough? Okay? 'Cause I have somebody I really need to talk to"

Derek looks at him and Stiles makes a noise of frustration.

"Um, alright, fine. Eyes. Eyes are, um, yellowish and slitted-"

Faline hits Derek's arm and he looks up.

"It has a lot of teeth, oh, and it's got a tail too. Are we good? What? What, have you seen it? You have this look on your face like you know exactly what I'm talking about"

"Stiles," Faline says, grabbing his arm.

Stiles looks up and the pair back away, Stiles standing in front of Faline to protect her.

Derek lets out a low growl, trying to intimidate the monster but instead of scaring it, the creature returned the growl before it jumps down and knocks Erica into a wall and she doesn't move.

"Erica" Faline yells.

Derek shoves Faline and Stiles forward.

"Run" Derek yells.

When Derek turns the creature slashes his neck. Derek moves his hand to the cut before he wobbles and begins to lose his balance. Stiles and Faline move towards Derek and wrap an arm each around their shoulders.

"Call Scott" Derek yells.

Stiles begins frantically searching for his phone. The phone slips from his hand which causes Stiles to kneel and let go of Derek, dropping all of his weight on Faline. Faline has nothing on Derek and the two of them fall into the pool.

"Stiles son of a-" Derek is cut off when the pair go under the water.

Faline and Derek sink to the bottom of the pool. Faline hooks her arms under Derek's armpits and begins furiously kicking but to no avail. Derek weighed too much. Faline holds out her hands and uses her magic to manipulate the water to push herself and Derek up. Faline pops her head up and coughs.

"You're an idiot," Derek says to the breathless girl.

"We're both alive aren't we?" Faline replies.

"Yeah for now," Stiles says.

Faline was getting exhausted, they had been in the pool for two hours and Derek wasn't getting any lighter.

Faline's clothes were soaked and weighing her down, her phone was on the floor as it had fallen out when she was running and she felt like she was going to pass out.

"Will you get me out of here before I drown or Faline passes out?" Derek asks Stiles.

"You're worried about drowning?" Stiles asks. "Did you notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor-sharp teeth?"

"Did you notice I'm paralyzed from the neck down in eight feet of water?" Derek snaps back.

"Actually it's only seven feet of water" Stiles states.

"Not helping," Faline says.

"I don't see it," Stiles says before beginning to swim to the edge with the other two.

"Stop" Derek yells.

The creature creeps around the edge of the pool, waiting. It puts one of its claws in the water before hissing and jumping back as the water had scolded him.

"Wait do you see that?" Stiles asks.

"I don't think it can swim," Faline says. "Or it's afraid"

"Okay, I don't think I can do this much longer," Stiles says.

"I know I can't do this much longer" Faline replies.

"Don't even think about it" Derek says.

"Can you just trust me this once?" Stiles asks.

"No," Derek says.

"I'm one of the ones keeping you alive, okay?" Stiles says. "Have you noticed that?"

"Yeah," Derek says. "And when the paralysis wears off, who's going to be able to fight that thing, you or me?"

"That's why we've been holding you up for the past two hours?" Stiles asks.

"Yup," Derek says. "You don't trust me. I don't trust you. But you need me to survive which is why you're not letting me go" Stiles throws Derek's arm off and Derek and Faline sink.

Faline pulls on Derek's arm, kicking her legs frantically but the pair sink to the bottom. Derek nods his head up, signaling Faline to go to the surface but she shakes her head.

Faline pulls with all her might and the pair lift slightly before sinking again. Someone grabs her arm and Faline turns to see Stiles. Stiles pulls Derek up and Faline follows them up, bursting out of the water.

Scott pulls Faline out of the water. Faline watches as the creature looks at his reflection before screeching in horror and running away.

"It's a Kanima," Faline says once they make it outside. "I recognize it now"

 "I recognize it now"

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