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Faline stands beside Stiles and Melissa as Coach begins to speak.

"Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will be joining others from around the world and you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind"

"What?" Melissa asks and Faline giggles.

"Mankind- That word should have a new meaning for all of us today"

"What the hell is he talking about?" Melissa asks Stiles.

"He does this every year," Stiles says.



"We're fighting for our right to live," Coach says and the players cheer.

"Wait is this-?" Melissa asks.

"Yeah it's the speech from Independence Day," Stiles says.

"Mmm-hmm" Melissa nods.

"But as the day the world declared in one voice-"

"Coach's favorite movie," Stiles says.


"He doesn't know any sports speeches?" Melissa asks.

I don't think he cares" Stiles says.

"Of course he doesn't," Faline says. "He's coach"

"TODAY WE CELEBRATE OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY" Coach shouts and all of the players cheer.

"Well spoken coach" Gerard walks in and Faline hides behind Stiles. "I might have chosen something with a little more historical value, but there's no denying your passion and while I haven't been here long, there's no denying my pride in having a winning team for this school. I know you'll all be brilliant tonight, even with only one co-captain leading you. Now I'm your principal but I'm also a fan. So don't think I'll be content to watch you merely beat this team. Get out there and murder them"

"You heard the man" Coach shouts. "Asses on the field"

"That wasn't inspirational," Faline says. "That was a command, for Jackson"

"Come on," Melissa says, offering her arm to Faline and the two females walk away.

"Wait" Faline turns and kisses Stiles on the cheek. "Good luck batman"

Faline then turns back to Melissa and they make their way onto the stands. Faline watches as Stiles pulls on his helmet.

"Oh no," Mr. Stilinski says. "Why is my son running on the field?"

"Because he's on the team?" Melissa says.

"He is," Mr. Stilinski says.

"Mmm-hmm" Melissa nods.

"He's on the team. He's on the field. MY SON IS ON THE FIELD"

"GO STILES" Faline cheers, clapping her hands.

"Should it be your mother, who so bravely came out to support you?" Gerard asks Scott. "Or the Sheriff, your best friend's father? Or how about the pretty little redhead who managed to survive the bite of an Alpha? Or should it be the one person that is the common denominator in your little pack? That holds you all together? Faline?"

Faline turns to Lydia who was clapping for the team.

"I am so sorry about earlier," Faline says. "Miss Morrell was just talking about Matt and I was upset and I'm sorry"

"It's okay" Lydia hugs her friend. "I love you, Faye"

"Love you too Lyds" Faline says.

Faline watches as the whistle blows and her knee bounces in anticipation. The witch watches as Stiles catches the ball before getting knocked over, everyone groans in empathy.

"He's probably just warming up," Melissa says.

Faline watches as Stiles fumbles with his stick, trying to pick up the ball before gently sending a breeze to roll the ball into the net before he's tackled again.

"He's just a little nervous," Faline says. "Plenty of time to turn it around"

The ball hits Stiles' helmet before bouncing on the ground. Faline spots Isacc and quickly runs down the stands.

"Isaac!" Faline shouts to her friend. "You didn't leave!"

Faline wraps her arms around Isaac who laughs.

"I couldn't just abandon my science nerd of a friend," Isaac says.

"Michaels" Coach shouts. "Unless you want to play, get to the bleachers!"

"Yes," Faline shouts, running back up to Lydia.

"I thought he'd run away?" Lydia says.

"Change of heart," Faline says.

Faline watches as Isaac begins to pick players off one by one.

"What is he doing?" Lydia asks.

"Getting Scott on the field," Faline says.

Faline watches as Jackson takes out Isaac.

"I need to talk to Scott," Melissa says and Faline nods.

"Go," Faline says.

Scott disappears after Gerard and Isaac as Faline keeps her eye on Jackson and Stiles. Faline watches as the ball rolls to Stiles' feet.

Stiles picks it up and begins to run with it, screaming as he does so.

"Oh crap," Mr. Stilinski says.


"SHOOT IT" Faline shouts.

Faline watches as the ball soars into the net before she jumps to her feet, clapping and cheering.

"GO STILES" Faline shouts.

"I SCORED A GOAL!" Stiles shouts.

Faline cheers as Stiles scores again. Faline makes eye contact with Stiles and shoots him a big smile. Faline watches as Stiles scores multiple goals as she cheers and claps.

Faline watches as everyone cheers but Jackson falls to the floor and her eyes widen before she takes off down the bleachers.

"Move" Faline begins pushing through people. "JACKSON"

Faline drops to the side beside Jackson's body and lets out a horrified scream before letting out heartbroken sobs, looking at the body of one of her longest friends.

Melissa lifts Jackson's shirt to reveal blood as Isaac holds a distraught Faline.

"He did it to himself?" Isaac whispers as Faline sobs.  

"Faline," Melissa says. "Get down here and hold his head. Tilt it up"

Faline drops to her knees and tilts his head back, her tears dripping on Jackson's face.

"Come on Jackson" Faline whispers.

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY SON?" Mr. Stilinski shouts.

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