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Faline jolts forward as Stiles crashes the jeep into Jackson with a resounding thud.

"Did I get him?" Stiles asks and Faline nods.

Faline shrieks in shock when the Kanima jumps on the hood of the jeep.

"Whoa" Stiles shouts.

The kanima hisses and Stiles screams.

"Jackson!" Faline shouts, climbing out of the jeep, holding her hands out. "Jackson!"

The Kanima hisses at the witch who stares at him with no fear.

"FALINE!" Stiles shouts but Faline holds up her wrist with the bracelet on and the Kanima raises his hand to strike and she closes her eyes.

Stiles begins to run forward but Scott holds him back. Jackson stares at the bracelet, his eyes going wide with recognition and he tilts his head to the side.

A young Faline was walking to school when a blonde boy confidently walks up to her.

"Hi," He says. "I'm Jackson Whittemore, you must be new"

"I'm Faline Michaels," Faline says.

"You have a funny accent"

"I'm from Ireland," Faline says.

"When I'm older I'm going to be a star lacrosse player," Jackson says, and Faline giggles.

"Are you any good?" Faline asks.

"Not yet," Jackson says. "But I'm going to learn. Then I'll be the best"

At the end of the day, Jackson runs up to Faline.

"I made you something in art," Jackson says, holding out a plaited friendship bracelet, the strings were blues and greens twisted together.

"It's so pretty" Faline gasps, as Jackson puts it on her wrist. "I'll never take it off"

"You pinky swear?" Jackson asks, holding out his pinky.

"I pinky swear," Faline says, the pair lock their pinkies together.

"Friends forever?"

"Friends forever" Faline confirms with a smile.

"Friends forever" Faline whispers and watches as the Kanima skin slowly fades to reveal Jackson.

Jackson holds Faline's wrist for a closer look, making sure his grip was gentle on her arm.

Jackson smiles at her and presses a kiss to her forehead before stepping away from her. He holds his arms up and Faline looks between Peter and Derek, her eyes wide as she realizes what's going to happen.

The two wolves stick their claws into Jackson, the boy's body arches as Faline presses a hand over her mouth to muffle her cry. The two wolves lift Jackson up as he coughs and chokes. They rip their claws out and Faline darts forward, sinking to the ground with the boy.

"Are we- Are we still-?" Jackson asks weakly.

"Of course we are," Faline says, understanding what he was asking. "Friends forever right?"

"Forever," Jackson says, holding up his pinky finger.

"Forever" Faline connects her pinky with Jackson's and the boy falls forward onto her shoulder.

Faline clutched Jackson close to her as she cries into his shoulder.

Stiles steps forward but a loud gasp stops his movements as Jackson jolts out of Faline's arms, his eyes glowing a bright blue.

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