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Faline and Stiles sit in the back of his father's car, their hands intertwined. Faline's head was resting on his shoulder and Stiles' lips were pressed to her hair.

"I'm sorry" Stiles whispers.

"It wasn't you" Faline whispers. "Listen to me Stiles"

Faline holds Stiles' face in her hands.

"I'm going to figure out how to kill this son of a bitch" Faline says. "I'm going to kill the Oni and I'm going to save you"

"Why don't you just let me go?" Stiles whispers.

"Because I love you" Faline whispers. "And I choose you, Stiles. And I'll choose you over and over and over. Without a pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you"

"Why?" Stiles whispers. "Why me?"

"It's you because no one else makes sense" Faline whispers, a small tear slips from her eye.

"Hey," Stiles says. "Don't cry, alright? I love you and that's the beginning and end of everything"

"I'm not crying," Faline says and Stiles smiles at her.

"'Course you're not," Stiles says.

"I didn't know you read F. Scott Fitzgerald," Faline says and Stiles shrugs. "You read his love letter book?"

"You said you liked him so I thought I'd try him" Stiles shrugs and Faline smiles. "Can I ask you to do something for me?"

"I'm still in the front of the car," Mr. Stilinski says and Faline laughs.

"No, not that," Stiles says. "Can you sing for me?"

"Yeah, of course," Faline says. "What song?"

"Anything," Stiles says.

"This lovely day has flown away. The time has come to part" Faline sings. "We'll kiss again, like this again. Don't let the teardrops start. With love that's true, I'll wait for you. Auf wiedersehen, sweetheart. Auf wiedersehen, auf wiedersehen. We'll meet again, sweetheart. This lovely day has flown away. The time has come to part. We'll kiss again, like this again. Don't let the teardrops start. With love that's true, I'll wait for you. Auf wiedersehen, sweetheart"

"That was beautiful," Mr. Stilinski says and Faline smiles.

"I love you," Stiles says, a tear welling in his eye.

"I love you too," Faline says. "No crying, remember?"

Mr. Stilinski pulls into the parking lot of Eichen House and Stiles climbs out, offering his hand to Faline. Faline stops in front of the gate, feeling the negative emotions overwhelming her. They all turn as a motorbike appears beside them, Scott.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Scott asks.

"Because we wanted to avoid something like this" Mr. Stilinski says.

"It's only seventy-two hours," Stiles says.

"This is the same place where Barrow came from," Scott says. "The guy who had a tumor inside him filled with flies. You don't know everything yet"

"I know enough," Mr. Stilinski says. "Nogitsunes, kitsunes, oni, or whatever they're called"

"Wow, that was actually all surprisingly correct"

"Scott, I saw an MRI that looked exactly like my wife's," Mr. Stilinski says. "And it terrifies me. I'm headed don to LA tomorrow to talk to a specialist. Your mother said she'll stay at my house so Faline isn't alone"

"Then why are you putting him in here?" Scott asks.

"He's not," Stiles says. "It was my decision"

"Stiles, I can't help you if you're in here," Scott says.

"And I can't hurt you," Stiles says. "Or kidnap Faline or nearly blow her up"

"Deaton's got some ideas," Scott says. "Argent's calling people. We're going to find something and if we can't-"

"I have friends in New Orleans who have dealt with stuff like this before," Faline says.

"If you can't," Stiles says, moving forward to whisper in Scott's ear. "If you can't then you have to do something for me, okay? Make sure I never get out and take care of her"

"Come on," Mr. Stilinski says.

Faline presses a kiss to Stiles' lips before resting her forehead against his.

"I'll see you in three days," Faline says and Stiles nods.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Faline watches as Stiles and his dad walk inside Eichen House. Faline turns and shifts into a small cat before slinking away into the night.

"Faline?" Scott asks but the cat was gone.

Faline climbs up the drainpipe and lands on the floor of Stiles' bedroom before shifting back. Faline curls up and rests her head against Stiles' pillow, tears slipping from her eyes as the coldness of the bed envelopes her.

Melissa walks into Stiles' room to see Faline asleep, her face stained with tear tracks

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Melissa walks into Stiles' room to see Faline asleep, her face stained with tear tracks. Melissa sits on the edge of the bed and gently shakes her shoulder.

"Faline have you eaten anything sweetheart?" Melissa asks.

"I'm not hungry" Faline whispers.

"Alright," Melissa says. "How about this? We go downstairs and we watch Harry Potter?"

Faline smiles and takes Melissa's outstretched hand.

Faline curls into Melissa's side, her eyes drooping after watching the first two films.

"Thanks, mom" Faline whispers sleepily.

"You're welcome sweetheart," Melissa says, resting her head on top of Faline's.

"You're welcome sweetheart," Melissa says, resting her head on top of Faline's

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