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"Is he here?" Faline asks when Mr. Stilinski opens the door after she knocks. "Did you find him?"

"He's in his room," Mr. Stilinski says, stepping out of the way.

"Oh thank god," Faline says, running up the stairs.

Faline knocks on Stiles' door.

"Dad I said I'm fine"

Faline knocks again but louder.

"Oh come on dad how many times-" Stiles begins but stops when he spots the girl he loves, her eyes were red-rimmed and her hair was straggly and messy indicating she had run her hand through her hair many times.

"Hi," Faline says, fiddling with her fingers.

"Hi," Stiles says.

"Your dad let me in." Stiles turns his head slightly. "Stiles oh my god. Your face" Faline says, reaching up and ghosting over the bruise on his face.

"It's nothing," Stiles says, tilting his head away. "Don't worry about it, I'm fine"

"Of course I'm going to worry," Faline says, waving her hand over the area and the pain fades.

"Are you going to come in?" Stiles asks, stepping out of the way.

Faline walks into his room.

"How are you doing?" Stiles asks, looking at her. "You know with the nightmares?"

"I can't sleep, I can't eat," Faline says looking out of Stiles' bedroom window. "Even though he's dead, I can't stop looking over my shoulder. He's everywhere Stiles. I see him in the mall, in the shadows at night, hell I see him walking around school" Faline's voice drops to a whisper. "He's everywhere and he's not going away"

Faline sits on Stiles' bed and sniffles.

"Now Jackson's dead and everything is just falling apart," Faline says.

Stiles quickly walks out of the room before walking back in with a toilet roll.

"Sorry," Stiles says, "I didn't have any tissues"

Faline giggles, shaking her head.

"That's okay," Faline says, wiping her eyes. "I've become such a mess. You have seventeen missed messages from Scott"

"I know," Stiles says.

"You're ignoring him?"

"No. No, not really,"

Faline stands up and walks over to Stiles' chest of drawers after spotting a Macy's bag with jewelry scattered across the top.

"Why do you have women's jewelry?" Faline asks, looking at a matching set of earrings and a necklace, and a charm bracelet with a few charms on.

"Oh," Stiles says. "Nothing, it's just some stuff I bought, you know, for your birthday"

"For me?" Faline asks with a small smile.

"I just kind of didn't know what to get you which I thought was weird because we're best friends," Stiles says. "So I just bought you like a bunch of stuff. Like a lot of stuff. You know I was going to return anything I didn't give you"

"A flat-screen tv?" Faline asks. "Stiles I would have just been happy with a Harry Potter movie marathon with you. It's our tradition. Something for just us"

"Yeah the flat screen I'm definitely returning," Stiles says. "That's a lie I'll probably keep it for myself"

Faline checks her phone and her eyes widen.

"You're gonna wanna read this" Faline says. "He's encased in a layer of venom and he's beginning to move. But I think- I think I can help him"

"How are you going to help Jackson?" Stiles asks, frowning in confusion.

Faline holds up her wrist and Stiles spots the handmade friendship bracelet she always wore on her wrist.

"When Jackson and I became friends," Faline says. "He said we were going to be friends forever and he made me the bracelet. I spelled it so it never broke or got lost, I was the first person he said love you to after he found out he was adopted. Which is why I think I'll be able to get through to him. Well Peter and Derek do anyway"

"See that's the problem," Stiles says. "You're willing to face the Kanima, no care for yourself. You don't care about getting hurt. But you know how I'll feel? I'll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my freakin' mind. You see death doesn't happen to you Faline. It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it? Huh? And look at my face, huh? You think this was actually meant to hurt me?"

Faline takes a step back, flinching slightly which Stiles notices before she takes a few steps back.

"I'm so sorry,"

"It's okay," Faline says. "I'll find him myself"

"Faline wait!" Stiles shouts as she leaves.

"She left huh?" Mr. Stilinski says.

"Yeah," Stiles says.

"Are you ever going to tell her?" Mr. Stilinski asks.

"As if she'd ever be interested in a loser like me"

"That's what I thought with your mom and I ended up marrying her," Mr. Stilinski says. "If you don't go and get her someone else will"

"You're right," Stiles says.

"Besides," Mr. Stilinski says. "When you were up there during that game, scoring those goals, she was so happy. Her whole face lit up, how your mom used to for me"

Mr. Stilinski claps a hand on his son's shoulder before leaving as Stiles quickly gets changed.

Stiles climbs in his jeep before driving down the road and pulling up beside Faline.

"If I can't stop you I'll come with you" Stiles calls. "You're an idiot if I thought I'd let you do this alone"

Faline grins, climbing in the jeep.

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