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Faline walks with Stiles in the garage, where the man was under Stiles' beloved jeep.

"Hey. Hey!" Stiles says. "What do you think you're doing? All I needed was a starter"

"Yeah but it looks like your whole exhaust system has gotta be replaced too," The man says.

"Why do I get the feeling you're slightly overestimating the damage?" Stiles asks.

"It's probably gonna run you around, like, twelve hundred, parts and labor"

"Are you kidding?" Stiles asks. "This thing doesn't even have a catalytic converter and yes I know what a catalytic converter is"

"You know what a limited-slip differential is?"

"Uh, no," Stiles says.

"A limited-slip differential is a type of differential that allows two output shafts to rotate at different speeds but limits the maximum difference between the two shafts," Faline says, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, could run you more like fifteen hundred," The man says.

"Okay, just finish," Stiles says. "I'll be back here, seething with impotent rage"

Stiles grabs the handle to the door to find it coated with a liquid.

"Oh," Stiles says. "That's nice. That's real sanitary. Quality establishment you're running here"

Faline then uses the handle and pushes the door open.

"Stop being a wuss" Faline says.

"Figures," Stiles says, looking at the picture of the man in lacrosse uniform.

Stiles pulls out his phone before realizing he couldn't type and the phone slips from his fingers.

"What the-"

"What's wrong with you?" Faline asks before her eyes widen, as her hand begins to tremble and she loses feeling in her legs. "Stiles!"

Faline points at the clawed, scaly hand that was reaching down.

"Hey" Stiles mumbles. "Hey!"

The creature slashes the man across the back of the neck. Faline stumbles, her body falls to the floor with a thud alongside Stiles.

Faline watches in horror as the machine that was holding Stiles' jeep in the air began moving down towards the paralyzed man.

"Help me" The man cries. "Help! Help me"

Faline watches in horror as the machine flattens the man's body. Faline gags slightly before her breathing picks up as a scaled creature appears in front of her and screeches.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"We told you," Stiles says as Mr. Stilinski stands in front of the two teenagers. "We walked in and the Jeep was on top of the guy that's all"

"What's wrong with your hand?" Mr. Stilinski asks, watching Stiles' hands shake.

"Nothing. Can I just get out of here now?" Stiles asks.

"Look," Mr. Stilinski says. "If there's something either of you don't think you can tell me-"

"You think I'm lying?" Stiles asks.

"No, of course not," Mr. Stilinski says. "I'm just worried about you. Now if you saw someone do this and you're afraid that maybe they're gonna come back and make sure either of you don't say anything about it-"

"I didn't see anything, at all" Stiles says. "Can I go now, please?"

"Sure," Mr. Stilinski says. "But not in your jeep. We're gonna have to impound it. Sorry, kid, evidence. See you at home"

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