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"Alright so you stay away from her for a few days," Stiles says. "You can do that"

"I still think your plan is ridiculous," Faline says.

"But is it a few days or forever?" Scott asks.

"You know this whole 'women make you weak' thing is a little too Spartan warrior for me," Stiles says.

"This is why I prefer Stiles," Faline says and the boy blushes.

"It's probably just part of the learning process" Stiles continues.

"Yeah but you've seen Derek," Scott says. "I mean the guy's totally alone"

"Because of everything that has happened in his life," Faline says. "You know nothing about Derek or who he used to be before the fire and other events. You haven't lived through what Derek has so don't start comparing yourself to him"

Stiles places a hand on Faline's shoulder and she releases a loud breath she didn't know she was holding.

"What if I can, like, never be around her again?" Scott says dramatically.

"Then Allison should count her blessings," Faline says and Stiles snickers before clearing his throat and shaking his head.

"Well if you're not dead, that could be a good thing," Stiles says.

"I'd rather be dead," Scott says.

"You've known her what, not even two months," Faline says, having enough of Scott's attitude already. "You're acting like you don't have a choice. But you do and you're choosing not to be around her. That's on no one but yourself. You're not fucking Romeo and Juliet"

"You're not going to end up like Derek," Stiles says. "We'll figure it out"

"Okay," Scott whispers.

"Come on," Stiles says. "Let's get out of here"

"Something smells terrible in here anyway"

"How have you only just noticed?" Faline asks.

"Really? In a boys' locker room?" Stiles asks. "That doesn't make any sense at all"

"No it's like something's rotting or dying," Scott says.

"It's my brain cells with each second I spend around you," Faline says and Scott nudges her.

They walk into Economics and Coach is stood at the front.

"Michaels" Coach says and Faline turns. "If you need to leave because of the other day I'll understand"

"Thanks, Coach," Faline says.

Faline sits at her desk and watches as Stiles tries and fails to take Allison's place.

"Hey," Allison says.

"Hey," Scott says.

"I haven't seen you all day," Allison says.

"I've been super busy," Scott says.

"When are you gonna get your phone fixed?" Allison asks. "I feel like I'm totally disconnected from you"

"Uh, soon," Scott says. "Real soon"

"Is that necklace new?" Faline asks, leaning back and turning to her friend.

"Yeah, do you like it?" Allison shows Faline.

Faline tries to control her grimace at the jewelry. It was a big tacky pendant with a wolf engraved.

"It's- It's- It's wow," Faline says, trying to not express her disgust over the eyesore.

"Wow?" Allison asks and Faline nods. "You don't like it do you?"

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