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"Here's where we found the den" Stiles says. "It's right in the middle of the hiking trails"

"Well that could narrow down," Allison says. "Coyotes travel in fixed trails. But I think Faline's right about her not going back to the den. Coyotes don't like wolves. And they're really smart. If they don't want to be heard, they actually walk on their toes"

"Coyotes tiptoe?" Stiles asks.

"They tiptoe"

"What?" Stiles mouths and Faline allows a small smile to fall on her face before the bell rings.

"I got to go," Allison says. "But send me the pinned location"


Faline watches as Kira walks over to Scott with an even bigger smile.

"What?" Stiles asks and Faline points.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Faline asks. "Beautifully awkward"

"Kira" Her dad calls. "You forgot all the research you did for that boy you like"

Faline clamps a hand over her mouth as she and Stiles continue to spy.

"Alright everyone, let's get started. We were just talking about internment camps and prisoners of war. There's a passage in our reading that I'd like to go over in more detail. Who would like to come up and read-aloud for us? Mr. Stilinski, how about you?"

"Maybe someone else could," Stiles says.

"Everyone participates in my class, Mr. Stilinski"

Faline watches as Stiles makes his way to the front nervously before looking at the page. He grips the edge of the stand as his breathing picks up.

"Stiles?" Faline stands up. "You okay?"

Faline rushes forward when he stumbles along with Scott.

"We should take him to the nurse's office," Scott says and Mr. Yukimura nods.

"Come on" Faline whispers and they lead Stiles from the classroom.

"Hey Stiles, look at me," Faline says. "Stiles"

Faline sits him down as Scott stands in the back of the room.


Faline holds Stiles' face so his eyes remain locked on hers. His breath still comes out short and erratic before Faline rests her forehead against his.

"Stiles" Faline whispers. "Count how many fingers I have. One"


"Keep going"

"Three, four"

"Five," Faline says, placing her hand on the side of his face.

"Six, seven"


"Nine, ten"

"I have ten fingers, Stiles, you're here. This isn't a dream" Faline says. "This is real. You're awake"

"What the hell is happening to me?" Stiles asks as Faline laces her fingers with his own.

"We'll figure it out, you're going to be okay," Scott says.

"Am I?" Stiles asks. "Are you? Scott, you can't transform. Allison's being haunted by her dead aunt. Faline can't control her powers and is seeing things. And I'm straight-up losing my mind. We can't do this. We can't- We can't help Malia. We can't help anyone"

"We can try," Scott says. "We can always try"

Faline walks out into the corridor to see Malia stood on the step roaring at Kira but she stops and tilts her head when Faline steps into view.

"Hey" Faline kneels down and Malia whimpers, trotting over. "What is it?"

Faline hears sirens.

"We need to go," Faline says, shifting into a coyote using the metamorphosis spell along with Malia before they sprint out of the school and into the woods.

Faline turns back, running alongside Malia as they make their way into the woods.

"Malia, we need to hide because they'll be looking for you," Faline says and Malia shows Faline her new den.

Faline crawls in and Malia curls up in her lap as Faline pets her head. Malia whines looking up at Faline when she stops. Her phone buzzes. A text from Stiles.

Where are you? x

With Malia. Keeping her safe. x

Faline continues stroking Malia's head as they sit through the night, Malia keeping Faline warm. Faline wakes up to find Malia gone but she had used Faline's jacket to cover the girl and keep her warm. Faline sits up.


Faline takes a few steps forward before something snaps up around her ankle. Faline screams in pain, the chain restricting her movement. Isaac's pained roars drowning out her own screams. Faline looks down at her ankle and begins trying to pry the trap apart. Faline watches as Malia runs over to where she is trapped.

"Malia" Faline whispers. "You need to go. Your dad, he's got a gun. He laid these traps"

Malia whines, butting her head against Faline's arm.

"I'll be alright" Faline whispers but Malia stands next to her and roars at Scott who approaches.

Scott turns and roars louder, the sound echoing through the woods. Faline watches as Malia shifts back into a girl. A very confused and naked girl.

"Scott" Faline groans. "You need to get this off of me"

Scott moves over and pries the trap apart, Faline screaming in pain as the metal removes itself from her leg.

"Get me out of here" Faline groans and Scott scoops her up before placing her in Stiles' jeep.

"Where's Faline?" Malia asks Mr. Stilinski. "She got hurt"

"She's going to be okay Malia," Mr. Stilinski says.

Faline places a rag in her mouth as Deaton begins cleaning the wound. Faline screams as Isaac and Scott hold her still.

Faline holds out her hand and the skin slowly knits itself together before she falls back, exhausted.

"I guess Mr. Tate got too snappy huh?" Faline asks. "Don't judge, I'm exhausted my pun game isn't the best"

 "Don't judge, I'm exhausted my pun game isn't the best"

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