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"Where are we going?" Scott asks as he and Faline follow Stiles into the woods.

"You'll see," Stiles says, pushing a tree branch out of the way.

Scott curses when Faline lets it slap him in the face. She was still pissed at him for dropping Derek into the shit and was making sure at every possible moment that he knew she was still mad.

"'Cause we really shouldn't be out here," Scott says. "My mom is in a constant state of freak-out from what happened at the school"

"Well, your mom isn't the Sheriff, okay?" Stiles says. "There's no comparison, trust me"

"What about your dad?" Scott asks and Faline shrugs.

"What about him?" Faline asks. "He spends almost all of his time at work"

"Can you at least just tell us what we're doing out here?" Scott asks.

"Yes," Stiles says. "When your best friend gets dumped-"

"I didn't get dumped," Scott says.

"You kind of did," Faline says.

"We're taking a break," Scott says, shaking his head.

"Okay season three Ross," Faline scoffs.

"Alright," Stiles says. "When your best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break- You get your best friend drunk"

Stiles pulls out a bottle of Jack Daniel's Hennessy Whiskey and Faline claps her hands together.

"It's the good stuff too," Faline says. "I'm glad you warned me because I also bought this"

Faline pulls out a bottle of cherry-flavored vodka, waving it for emphasis. Faline pulls the bottle lid off and takes a large swig. Her face contorts as the alcohol slides down her throat.

After about an hour, Stiles and Faline are lay on the floor drunk off their asses whilst Scott sits on a rock watching them, still stone-cold sober and sulking.

"Dude you know she's just one girl" Stiles slurs. "You know, there are so many girls in the sea"

"Fish in the sea," Scott says.

"Fish?" Stiles asks, looking up at his friend. "Why are you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls, I love them"

Faline ignores the rest of the boys' conversation as she grabs the vodka and splashes some into the fire before giggling as the flames roar up.

"I could flambe some shit," Faline says, giggling again.

"Let's get you away from the fire," Scott says, helping Faline away.

"I can flam-" Faline says "Flom- Flem- Flamby- Flamba- Flimba- Flemba"

"Flambe," Scott says.

"That's it" Faline holds her hand up for a high five.

Scott connects his hand with hers but the force causes Faline to fall backward as she loses her balance.

"Oof" Faline huffs blowing her hair out of her face before tracing patterns in the mud.

"Hey you're not happy," Stiles says. "Take a drink"

"I don't want anymore," Scott says.

"You're not drunk?" Stiles asks.

"I'm not anything," Scott says.

"Hey maybe it's like- maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore, you know?" Stiles says. "Maybe you can't get drunk as a wolf"

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