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"I'm going to Eichen," Lydia says, walking into Stiles' bedroom. "We're talking to Valack"

"We're going with you," Stiles says.

"I thought you said Faline was sick and you might have caught it?" Lydia says.

"We're slightly under the weather," Stiles says.

"You don't have to come," Lydia says. "Malia's not going either"

"Malia's not going because she knows that place is a nightmare asylum of insanity and death, okay?"

Faline winces as she pulls on her jumper and Lydia catches on.

"What was that?" Lydia asks.

"What was what?" Faline asks.

"You winced," Lydia says.

"I hurt my elbow," Faline says.

"It was your shoulder"

"Pain radiates," Faline says before walking towards the door. "You are not going without us. You remember what happened to Deaton when he talked to Valack?"

"Scott and Kira are going to be there," Lydia says.

"I'm not letting you go into the place where one of the orderlies almost killed you," Stiles says.

"He almost killed you both too," Lydia says.

"And we're all still alive," Stiles says. "Teamwork"

Faline stares at Eichen with disdain as she stands with Stiles by his jeep.

"Are you going to be okay in there?" Scott asks Stiles.

"Yeah, why?"

"You just seem a little off," Scott says. "Both of you"

"I think we're all a little off," Stiles says.

"Maybe some of us more than others," Scott says, glancing at Kira.

"What happened?" Faline asks.

"Well, when the other chimera, Lucas, when he came after us, I heard Kira say something in Japanese"

"That doesn't sound too bad," Stiles says.

"She doesn't know any Japanese" Scott says.

"Maybe she picked it up in her spare time," Faline says.

"I also think I might have stopped her from killing Lucas," Scott says.

"Okay," Stiles says as he and Faline glance at each other unnoticeably. "Wasn't he trying to kill you though? That just sounds like self defense"

"It was more than that" Scott says. "I mean she nearly took off his head"

"Maybe she had no choice," Faline says, rubbing her shoulder to ease some of the pain. "There's got to be a point where self-defense is justified. Tracy killed her own father. And Lucas would have killed you, did you not see what he did to that kid? Corey was lucky he made it out alive"

"They're not the bad guys, they're the victims," Scott says.

"The line is becoming more and more blurred by the day," Faline says. "You were more than willing to involve Argent when you thought Boyd and Cora had killed someone, knowing their code. Yet you won't put down people who are actually murderers?"

"We shouldn't be killing the people we're trying to save," Scott says.

"What if they're past the point of saving?" Faline asks but the conversation is halted by the gates buzzing open.

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