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"Scott wait up" Stiles grabs his friends for support as he skids into them, panting heavily.

"Stiles, I'm playing first elimination, man. Can it wait?" Scott asks.

"Just hold on, okay? I overheard my dad on the phone" Stiles begins. "The fiber analysis came back from the lab in LA. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods"

"Stiles, I gotta go"

"Wait, Scott. You're not going to believe what the animal was" Stiles calls but Scott jogs away. "It was a wolf"

"Ugh, lacrosse is getting to his head," Faline says. "I'm glad you don't play"

Faline watches as the players all make their way to the coach. The witch sits on the players' bench with Stiles' jersey wrapped around her shoulders.

Faline puts her earphones in and begins drawing in her sketchbook. Not paying any attention to the field. She bobs her head to the beat as she draws. Stiles watches as her sketches form a dark creature. A wolf with bright red eyes. Her sketching is cut off by Stiles pulling out her earphone.

"Scott made first line," Stiles says.

"Yay go Scott" Faline says sarcastically before looking at the drawing in front of her with a furrowed brow.

That night Stiles drags Faline to his house for research, telling her to bring the grimoire. Stiles types frantically on his computer whilst Faline watches Peter Pan and the Darling siblings fly to Neverland on Stiles' television.

"Pass me the grimoire," Stiles says and Faline holds it out and Stiles takes it, pulling up a translate tab on his computer.

"There's an index in the back," Faline says before curling up under Stiles' comforter.

The next morning Faline is asleep in Stiles' bed, said boy still typing away on his laptop. The pair are both startled by a harsh knock on the door. Stiles opens the door cautiously only to reveal Scott.

"Get in, you gotta see this dude," Stiles says. "I've been up all night reading. Websites, books. All this information"

"What did Faline do?" Scott asks, glancing to the girl who was sprawled under Stiles' blankets.

"Eat popcorn, watch films, and flick pieces of popcorn at me," Stiles says. "But she brought her family grimoire with her"

"How much Adderall have you had today?" Scott asks.

"A lot," Stiles says. "Doesn't matter. Okay, just listen"

Faline gets out of bed and stretches, revealing herself to be only wearing Stiles' shirt which was extremely large on her.

She walks out of the room and heads downstairs to make coffee. Faline has the coffee machine on before grabbing her mug that she had in the Stilinski household but is halted when she hears a clatter.

She knew the Sheriff would be at work and Scott and Stiles were upstairs. Faline cautiously creeps around the corner, holding her mug tightly.

Faline jumps into the living room to reveal the Sheriff and they both scream.

"Mr. S" Faline places a hand on her chest. "You scared me"

"I forgot my badge," Mr. Stilinski says. "What were you planning on doing with that?"

"Smash it over your head," Faline says with a shrug. "Then use a shard as a weapon, I don't know."

"You were going to hit a potential attacker over the head with a mug?" Mr. Stilinski asks. "And if that didn't work?"

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