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Faline walks into Allison's apartment with Scott and the twins.

"My father said all of the Katashi evidence is being moved to a federal lockup by an armoured car tonight," Allison says. "Probably within the next few hours"

"We're going to rob an armoured car?"

"Well, we're going to try," Lydia says.

"Why the hell not," Faline says. "Let's get to planning"

"This is a really bad plan," Scott says.

"It's not that bad," Lydia says.

"It's not that good," Aiden says.

"None of us knows the route they're going to take," Lydia says. "If Allison can get one of her dad's GPS trackers on the armoured car, then we can follow it"

"So when it gets here-"

"We attack them?" Ethan asks.

"No," Lydia says. "Your bikes will be in the middle of the road, looking like you guys got into an accident and when the driver gets out to help-"

"We attack him?" Ethan asks.

"No," The three girls say.

"You'll distract him," Faline says. "And Scott or I will break open the door. Preferably me because magic doesn't leave fingerprints"

"And you will get Katashi's finger," Lydia says.

"It's not his actual finger is it?" Aiden asks.

"You are so out of our league," Lydia says.

"Why aren't we going to Stilinski for help?" Aiden asks.

"Because if he gets caught, then it's the Sheriff tampering with federal evidence," Scott says.

"Guys this is going to work," Allison says. "We can do this"

"Not really feeling the optimism right now Ally," Faline says.

"We're losing Stiles, my dad is in jail for murder. We need to do this"

Faline crouches with Scott and Allison as they watch Kira stick the tracker to the car. Faline watches as Jordan steps up to the car before pulling out his gun.

"Something's wrong" Faline whispers.

Faline watches as a man jumps from the van and slams her brother's head against the van, knocking him out.

"Who the hell is that?"

"Kincaid," Allison says.

"We need that finger," Scott says as Faline crouches on the roof of the van with Kira.

"Why should I give it to you?"

"Is his voice even real?" Kira asks.

"Aside from the fake voicebox, he is currently using?" Faline asks and Kira blushes.

"That was stupid," Kira says and Faline nudges her.

"I've dealt with stupider," Faline says. "I mean have you met Scott?"

"Give me the finger," Scott says. "You know what I mean"

Kira leaps down onto the man but he throws her onto the floor.

"I guess negotiations are over," Kincaid says and Faline holds out a hand, magical chains holding him to the floor.

"Maybe we should negotiate again," Faline says. "Let's start with why shouldn't I kill you? I mean you die and we just take the finger from your body. I can just rip your heart straight out of your chest"

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