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"It's dead," Mr. Stilinski says. "He must have left the lights on"

"Why would he come here?" Faline asks.

"Let's find out," Mr. Stilinski says.

"Derek's on the roof," Scott says.

"He's not here. Not anymore" Derek says.

"You mean the whole building?" Scott asks.

"Gone" Derek says.

"I'll go tell Stilinski," Isaac says.

"See if you can find Allison," Scott says. "She's not answering her phone"

"Notice how strong the scent is up here?" Derek asks Scott. "Ever hear of chemosignals? Chemical signals that communicate emotion. And just our sweat can give of anger, fear, or disgust. Take a deep breath and tell me what you feel"


"And anxiety," Derek says. "Some is Faline's a lot is Stiles'"

"What was he doing up here?" Faline asks.

"I don't know," Derek says. "But there was definitely some kind of struggle"

"With who?"

"Himself," Derek says.

"I'll go back to the station," Faline says. "In case a lead shows up"

Scott nods.

Faline walks into the station to see Mr. McCall.

"Hey is this the exact transcript of your's and Stiles' phone call?"

Faline glances at the paper.

"Yeah," Faline says. "Why?"

"Are you sure? These words. Stiles says, 'something smells terrible. My eyes are watering.'"

"Hi I'm Melissa McCall, I was hoping to see Agent McCall"

"What are you doing here?" Mr. McCall asks.

"My shift was over. I just wanted to see if I could help"

"Let's go," Mr. McCall says.

"So what are you saying?" Melissa asks as Mr. McCall drives the car.

"I'm saying the real question might be how do we know he's not still asleep?"

"You mean he's been asleep the whole time?" Faline asks.

"Well people who sleepwalk can do crazy things," Mr. McCall says. "One guy goes down to the kitchen and cooks an entire meal. Another guy is found mowing his lawn naked"

"Why's any of that matter?" Melissa asks.

"Remember that townhouse apartment we lived in?"

"Oh god, memory lane" Faline mutters.

"There was that one night I came home drunk-"

"Oh, one night?" Melissa asks.

"Let me finish"

"So I'm drunk, passed out on the bed. I get up to go to the bathroom. Then all of a sudden I hear you yelling, 'What the hell are you doing?'"

"Because you were in the closet peeing into the laundry basket"

"Yeah I thought it was the bathroom"

"You were drunk off your ass," Melissa says.

"Yeah but I was convinced it was the bathroom"

"So?" Faline asks.

"So how do we know Stiles hasn't convinced himself he's in some sort of basement and isn't actually there?" Mr. McCall says. "I think when he called you, Faline, he was still asleep and is still asleep right now"

"Then where is he?" Melissa asks.

"I got an idea about that too"

"Stiles!" Faline shouts as her boyfriend screams.

"Wait, no wait" Stiles screams.

"Stiles, you're okay" Faline turns Stiles' head and glows her eyes discreetly as Melissa covers her. "Stiles!"

Stiles stops and stares at Faline who wraps her arms around him and he holds her tight.

"You're okay" Faline whispers, warming Stiles with her magic as he was ice cold to the touch.

Stiles keeps his grip on Faline and she holds him close.

"Come on" Faline whispers as they get into Mr. McCall's car.

Stiles keeps his grip on Faline even as they get him into the hospital and into a bed.

"Don't leave me" Stiles whispers. "Don't leave me alone"

"I won't" Faline whispers. "I promise"

Faline looks to Mr. Stilinski who nods and walks out of the room and Faline climbs into the hospital bed and Stiles pulls her close, noticing she had quickly fallen asleep.

"You're safe" Stiles whispers. "You're safe in my arms. You're safe. He can't get you"

The next day, Melissa and the Sheriff walk in to see Faline still curled up into Stiles.

"It was the other day," Melissa says. "I asked him some questions, just symptoms, and um yeah"

"It's okay," Mr. Stilinski says. "I think I uh know what you're talking about. I've been writing these down for the past few weeks. I think we need to do some tests"

"If it is this" Melissa whispers. "I don't think Faline will be able to cope. Last night, Scott and Isaac have told me her heart rate never slowed. All night. And her chemosignals were so overpowering they could feel her emotions. She won't be able to cope with another loss Noah"

"I know," Mr. Stilinski says. "But what if he ends up hurting her?"

Melissa shakes her head.

"I think no matter what, Stiles would protect Faline first," Melissa says.

"I think no matter what, Stiles would protect Faline first," Melissa says

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