> Chapter Six

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" I'm Ttalgi"

" It's nice to meet you Ttalgi" Taehyung smiled under his mask. Cold hands fighting to find warmth in the pocket of his coat. " Did you know that Ttalgi means strawberry in Korea"

" Yep ma gave me that name because the food she always eat when she's pregnant with me was strawberries, and it's my favorite fruit too"

"What a coincidence, I love strawberries too" Ttalgi could only chuckle in reply.

He smiled under his mask, analyzing the teenager who brought his attention back to the paints.

Taehyung had lots of questions in his mind and he even started to creat a few theories why the kid looked like him.

His first theory was that the boy was his son that he unknowingly have with a random girl he used to hook up with but he dusted that theory off since he made sure he use proper protection and gave the girls he dated with pills. There wasn't much one night stands to begin with.

Or maybe he just met his going doppelganger.

Meanwhile Ttalgi was contemplating whether to take the adult's advice and buy the recommended brand of oil paints but when he the price he decided to be a good son and not waste his parents money. He starts to call them as parents now since his mother and Jin are a thing?

Taehyung didn't fail to notice the retreat of his hand before it could touch the said brand— since he was analyzing him for too long.

" Well, I'll be going. To find my mama now Mister Taehyung. Hope you enjoy Vatican!" The boy waved his hands to the new friend and began to zoom out for the aisle and go search for his mom in the book section.

Taehyung was confused at the moment because when he saw the kid leave his heart tightens and he almost grab the kid's arm to prevent him from leaving.

" That's weird..." He watched as the kid's figure disappear in the book shelves, his orbs slowly returned to the oil paints and an idea popped inside his mind.

"I have what I want now ma"  Ttalgi proudly showed the items he picked towards his mom who returned a mystery genre book on its spot.

"That was fast, are you sure you have everything you want?" Shang asked checking the small red basket that Ttalgi was holding.

"Not everything, but I don't really need oil paints" he needs them, not to the extent but he badly wants to try oil painting. He also want to be mature and not waste the money that his mother paved to have. 

" Are you sure? We can buy it if you want"

"Don't worry ma, I'm sticking with acrylics for now"

"Okay... Then let's go pay for them so we can have time to catch up with your brothers and Jin"

The two went to pay for the items. While they're waiting for the price of their purchase a staff went towards Ttalgi with a box and canvases on top of the said box. It was a mediums sized box, from the looks of it it wasn't heavy.

" Good morning sir and ma'am, are you perhaps Ttalgi?" The staff asked Ttalgi as he placed the object on the counter. Shang and Ttalgi grown their eyebrows in confusion.

Three Hearts For One « P.JM , J.JK , K.TH »✓Where stories live. Discover now