✿ Chapter Twenty One

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"mamaaaa!" Jayu appeared on the closed door with a huge smile on his face excited to see his mother and to meet his little brother. He was still on his PJs and his bed hair, speaks aloud that he just woke up. Shang felt sorry for interrupting Jayu on his sleep. It couldn't be helped that Shang was worrying. After last night's events Shang couldn't trust Jayu around Jimin.

"  Come here baby" she motioned, still carying Tokki on her hand who was wide awake and was staring on the void. Jungkook took a peak in the door and decided to leave them, he needs to take a bath and prepare the things that Tokki needed for today anyways and there's no reason for him to stay there since Shang had Jayu on his side.

"Is dat bby broder?!" Jayu asked in excitement, sprinting towards his mother and tiptoed his feet to see the new born baby on the arms of his mama. He couldn't take a glance thanks to the height of the bed, even if Shang had to leaned her body sideways just so Jayu could take a little peak at the baby. Surprisingly Jayu jumped from his spot and climbed up to the bed making sure not to touch his mother's body to not give her any pain. 
As soon as he was settled beside his mama he couldn't help but to awe at the sight of his tiny little brother. Tokki didn't have his eyesight yet so his eyes are just roaming around without a proper watch. But one thing is for sure, Tokki could hear them. Not clearly but enough for a new born baby to hear some noises.

" Helloooo little broder! Imm Jayu and I'm ur older broder" Jayu introduced himself with such enthusiast in his voice. The little boy was happy, very happy to meet his brother who smiled in return making Jayu to giggle and point out to his mama that he made his brother smile. Shang could only nod and wear a warm and joyful smile, her free arm snaked it's way to Jayu to pull him on her embrace while holding Tokki on her other arm.

"And this little brother is Tokki"

"Tokki... He luks like a bunny! Luk!"(He looks like a bunny! look!) He pointed out, touching his fluffy cheeks despite being a small baby. It made Tokki to frown a bit to the sudden touch of his cheeks but he didn't cried.

" I love you Jayu and Tokki" Shang couldn't remove her smile and tears began to flow on her cheeks. It's too overwhelming, the gush of warmth, the joy the... The love she felt. It attacked her so strong that she never wanted to let got of her sons. Feeling the two child in his embrace is an escape. It made her hope. It gave her hope.

She doesn't know what hope it was but she told herself that it was a hope to live. She will never leave her babies. She will stay alive and guide them on the right path. Give them a proper childhood and a normal life.

The things their father didn't receive from their parents. Shang no longer cared about her situation. All that matters now was her son's lives.

Escape was now at the last list on her priority. Shang was prioritizing the life of her children more than hers.

"I love you two Mama!" Jayu hugged his Mama's side carefully not to hurt her. Uncle Jungkook told him to be careful with his mama because his mama is in pain. "And I love little broder two"

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" This Wednesday? But that would be on two days!" Jungkook roared on the meeting room. It's already afternoon and Shang together with Tokki and Jayu was resting on the clinic as far as Jungkook knew since Jimin had news to announce and the youngest had to leave his wife on the clinic alone with two babies.

Taehyung, Jimin and him are seated on their designated seats on the meeting room they always use it if ever there was any important news or events to be said. Taehyung was tapping his foot on the floor, with crossed arms and was leaning on his chair. Jimin had both of his arms on the table, files besides him and some invitations to different parties and events that they don't have any interest in attending. Jungkook was impatient on his seat, wanting to leave the meeting early because he wanted to see if his family—that does not include Jimin's child— was okay and well rested.

Three Hearts For One « P.JM , J.JK , K.TH »✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن