Chapter Seven

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"We could go to the beach tomorrow..." Namjoon's gaze is fixed on the road with his right hand on Shang's thigh and his left is on the wheel. Their luggage is already in the back of Namjoon's car currently waiting for them to arrive at the house Namjoon has rented.

He had a very long list for their one-month vacation and he's excited to do all of the activities. Like Bungee Jumping, Rollercoaster riding, all the crazy stuff here in the town.

"Yay! I've prepared a lot of swimsuits in the bag, you should help me choose what to wear" she happily said placing her hand on Namjoon's that was in her thigh and cares it. Namjoon was excited, very. Completely obvious about what would happen later.

"I will, but not too revealing okay? Because what's in there is only mine to see" he strictly said in a warning manner and as a response she roll her eyes, obviously going to disobey her boyfriend's words. It's part of the summer plan, keep Namjoon pissed until nighttime comes it would awaken the beast.

Arriving at the said destination, she shrugged in amusement to see a small but modern house in front of her.

Grey and black shining stone as walls of the house, some small windows can be seen, and a not so sharp white roof, with a black framed white door. It's simple yet beautiful. A good family vacation place to stay in.

There's this happy yet strange vibe that out of nowhere crawled on her skin. A family homely vibe mixed with a disturbing vibe, she doesn't know why she felt this way but she hope it is only in her imagination. Giving Namjoon a hand with the luggage, they unlocked the door open not forgetting to park Namjoon's car in the garage, and entered the room.

It was no surprise, it was simple and beautiful like the outside.  There are some essential kinds of stuff inside like a sofa, flat screen TV, chairs, kitchen, bed, bathroom everything's complete except for some small details like their clothes, some plates and a couple that would live in. But they're going shopping soon.

Time had skipped and they were both removing their clothes.  Namjoon had a romantic surprise for Shang.  With the bathtub full of bubbles, pink glittery water, and rose petals, let's not forget the candles that deemed the lighting of the room perfect. The scent of fresh strawberries enticed the mood and it made the two of them excited.

Namjoon took the lead first, skipping himself inside the bubbly bathtub, and signaled her to come which she did soon after.

"I know it's cliche, but I have been dreaming about this all night. I have prepared a lot of romantic bathtubs but it would always end early since I'm busy and you're also since you jobs and phone calls to interrupt us...we can enjoy this the entire night" Namjoon sexily said as his voice goes deeper and deeper as he held his gaze to his woman, slowly adjusting her feet so that she could face her back in Namjoon's chest and relaxed at the firmness of his chest.

"I don't mind spending every night like this... Just you and me, doing wondrous things" she played along with a smirk plastered on her red lips that Namjoon know even if he was facing her back. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer wanting her to feel the thing under there so she could know what he felt.

"Oh trust me, baby..... I can do evil things in one" he whispered in her pinkish ear, he trailed soft kisses on her collarbone and towards her neck, it made her moan a little when she focuses on the sensation that the kisses left from the love of her life.

The air began to get hot and intense as they perfectly mold themselves guided by the passion they felt toward one another. When they were about to reach at the most interesting part they got distracted by Shang's ringtone.

Namjoon removed his hands on Shang's left breast as he groaned in disappointment. He was so ready to slam inside the cave but the call stopped him so since it might be important.

She noticed the disappointment plastered on Namjoon's features, it caused her to pout secretly and just decided to ignore the phone in the bathroom aisle that is ringing and vibrating. She kissed his lips hungrily so that the mood could fire more, but Namjoon gave her a peck with an understanding expression mixed with annoyance.

"Go..... It might be important, and besides we can just continue this after the call finishes....." She smiled warmingly towards her man. Asking herself why she was so damn lucky to have him in her life. Stretching her hands towards the aisle she cheered a little when she successfully grabbed the phone. She sat right back on Namjoon 's lap and rested her back on his toned chest.

"Hi?" It greeted her with complete silence. Namjoon gave her a confused and angry look as to why they— the someone on the phone— decided to ruin their fun with a stupid silent call.

"Hello?" She asked again but there is no response.

"Probably an accidental call...let's just ignore it" Namjoon sighed, taking a glance at the caller's ID and it was Unknown.

"Okay," she responded and then ended the call followed by returning it to the same spot earlier. "Now...where were we?"

Namjoon smiled and kissed her also immediately.


"Wait! That wasn't there before!" A jet-black hair man said as he squinted his eyes towards the screen pointing at a specific screen where there was a setting of a romantic bathroom. The two others later looked at the screen where their older had pointed. As soon as they analyze the area they wore surprised, wide eyes, and gritted teeth at the discovery. Not wanting to watch a scene they can't properly swallow someone turned the screen off.

They were beyond eruption. Placing the cameras wasn't good, since they know what couples do. But the idea of leaving the two alone, unwatched didn't feel right to them.

"I still can't get it off my mind!" The younger whined, massaging his temples as his dark brown hair lazily hung at his head. Hearing his brother groan in agreement as they tried to shoo that thought of someone touching what belongs to them.

"What if we call her?" The man with long and curly hair suggested earning a nod of agreement from the eldest of them, he grab his phone and dialed a number. Waiting for it to be picked up they fall in complete silence.

It was a while and as a few rings passes their patience wore thin.


As soon as they heard their voice the three of them exploded in ecstasy.


Three Hearts For One « P.JM , J.JK , K.TH »✓Where stories live. Discover now