> Chapter Sixteen

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He who's the first born will kill the lead

"d-dad!! No! Jin do something! We should bring dad in the hospital" Jayu dropped the gun on the floor and immediately pushed the wound on Jimin's chest so that it would stop from bleeding. " H-help me carry him to the helicopter. We can still make it there!"

Jimin choke out his blood as he stare into nothing. Slowly loosing consciousness due to his entire system shutting down. The bullet hit his heart, or probably near his heart. He couldn't quite tell where because Jayu pulled the gun away before the bullet could leave the shell.

He let Jayu move his body, placing his back on Jayu's lap whilst his head was on Jayu's right arm. Cradling him like Jimin cradled Jayu when he was young.

Oh how he missed those days. If only he could have more time back then, he would cherish every little memories he had when Jayu was a baby.

" Jin! Do something please" Jayu sobbed, watching his father's eyes that slowly looses it's focus. His hand that was pressing on the wound was all bloodied, so was Jimin's polo.

"Jayu I'm sorry. But I can't do anything. I-if we do arrive in the hospital, he won't make it" the shot was major. Jimin's blood lost was speeding too much.

"B-but" Jayu begged at Seokjin who stood there to help him. With tears flowing down on the teen's cheeks Seokjin's heart cries for the boy's sadness. So he tries to carry Jimin up but the man himself refuses.

" Dad no... Why would you do that! Let Jin help please"

Jimin could only stare silently at his crying son. He wants to say something but he can't, the only sound he could produce was him coughing out his blood and chocking after.

Slowly his hand made it's way on Jayu's cheek. Comforting his son that everything will be okay because he no longer has the will to live, if he did he'll only bring chaos to Shang's life. Seeing as his jealous, possessiveness and the principles he grew up with was tattooed in his soul and could never be change.

" Dad please...let Jin help you" Jayu tries to convince his dad again to take the offer.

Ah... I wish to see you grow... I could already tell you'll become a great young man...

The hand that was rested on Jayu's cheeks, slowly fell.

"Dad?" Jayu frown, vision blurry from the stubborn tears.

Breathing his last breath Jimin died with his eyes wide open, regret and sorry written on his brown and musky orbs.

"He's gone Jayu"

"No" it was hoarse, voice cracking amidst the loud sobs the boy emits. Seokjin was quick to kneel down and hug the poor boy who couldn't help but to cry for his father's death.

Yoongi understands Jayu's moment he just couldn't sympathize with the boy because his father was pure evil in the very beginning, heavy and slow breathing thanks to Jimin's painful hit, he could only close his eyes and slowly recover his strength.

"Jimin's dead" Yoongi said in his earpiece. Namjoon and Louise heard but they didn't respond. They don't know what to say.

The sight was very painful to see for Jayu's brothers who watched as their older brother lost his father. Ttalgi quietly sobs whilst Tokki has tears streaming down in his eyes that he immediately wiped away.

Hoseok accepted the harsh truth that his good old friend had passed. He could have done something but Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Yeosin already told Hoseok to never meddle in their family issues.

Three Hearts For One « P.JM , J.JK , K.TH »✓Where stories live. Discover now