5 ; KIBA

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It was finally 9am, and I had just arrived to the JYP building. It was less intimidating than yesterday, and therefore I wasn't adorned in all black. Instead, I was wearing a pastel pink wool jumper, which was baggy and had several stylish holes in, with a black shirt underneath, and some black jeans. My trainers matched my jumper though.

I ignored all that walked past, too excited to get to Chan's office and get some of the lyrics ready and show off my ideas to my new group. I wanted to know how they wrote their songs and their process, I wondered if it was the same as mine was when I was all alone.

The elevator ride was long, and my giddiness was going up and up. I was practically bouncing on my heels like a 5 year old. I felt stupid so I tried to calm down but the elevator door opened and Changbin was standing there. I jumped up and down in excitement and Changbin laughed while pushing me towards Chan's office.

"YA! STOP JUMPING!" Changbin shouted with laughter, and I continued with even louder laughter. 

Chan's office door opened, and I was led in by Changbin's hand on my hips pushing me in. Han was already inside, sitting on the couch behind Chan. I smiled and jumped towards Chan and Han happily. I don't remember being so lively in my life. I put my hands on Chans shoulders and jumped some more. He laughed loudly.

"You excited?" He teased, I jumped again before Changbin pushed me and I fell beside Han on the couch.

"I've got lyrics!" I shouted in English. After being in Korea for the last 3 years, I've realised I've got a habit of switching to English whenever I get excited or angry. Although, I'm only ever angry at disrespectful people, but other than that, I'm quite laid back.

"Okay. Usually, what we do is talk about the theme or like...story that we're going to follow. It makes it easier to make a music video and wordplay." Chan explained as he fiddled around on his computer. 

"Can we listen to the song again?" Changbin asked, and Chan nodded before the beat played out loud. I mumbled some of the lyrics I made yesterday, as the others listened and bounced to the beat. Once it finished, Chan turned to the 3 of us sitting on his couch like little peas. He chuckled at how we looked.

"Theme?" Chan questioned, and I tried not to shout out loud but my brain was streaming with ideas.

"COOKING!" I shouted, and Chan burst out laughing as Han chuckled and Changbin just smiled with a confused expression.

"Okay hear me out. I was thinking since it's been awhile since you released some songs, as a come back, we're going to base the song on creating a new menu for people who might be new to Stray Kids like me." I said, almost rapped. I needed to say all of it before I forgot it.

"A menu?" Han questioned, "That's good."

"Yeah. A menu to satisfy anyone, like people who like different types of music can even like us." Changbin stated and I nodded aggressively, causing the others to laugh again. Damn, was I funny.

"I like it. I'll write it down." Chan said as he wrote on his phone. So he had the same brain as me, we write down everything on our phones for later. 

I watched him and felt a weight on my chest. I looked down at Chang's hand feeling my jumper, and I smiled at his weird actions, then another hand landed on the right side of my chest. I looked at both boys who were just feeling my chest and fiddling with my jumper.

"I thought you were quite intimidating yesterday with the all black." Han said as he chuckled at the state I was in. The touching was definitely affecting my ears, I knew they were red.

"Yeah, is the pink more approachable?" I asked as I picked up both their hands and took them off my chest. I laid their hands down on their laps.

"Yeah, I like it. I think it suits you better." Han said before he let out a loud yawn. I smiled at the 3 boys who were 3RACHA and settled in the comfortable room.

"Okay, speak to me...what lyrics did you come up with?" Chan questioned.

"Okay, I have pretty much a full first verse. It's a rappers part so I was thinking either me, or Changbin but obviously you guys know each other better so let me know who would sound the best.

어서 오십시오
이 가게는 참 메뉴가 고르기도 쉽죠
뭘 시켜도 오감을 만족하지 하지
지나가던 나그네, 비둘기까지
까치까지 까마귀들까지

It's easy to choose what you want in this store
Anything on the menu will satisfy your all five senses
Even passing Travelers, pigeons,
Magpies, and crows

It might be a bit off beat but we can work on that!" I said after kind of mumbling the rap verse I had written down.

The silence was loud. I looked around at the 3 quiet boys sitting around me. I smiled, why was I nervous for their opinions? Suddenly 2 out 3 of the boys started shouting and jumping around the small office room. I watched as Han and Changbin jumped around rapping the broken lyrics. Chan and I laughed.

"Send me what you've written." Chan said as the other 2 calmed down and practically sat on me in excitement. I tried to send Chan what I had written but Changbin was bouncing on me so I couldn't hold my phone straight. I laughed at how I had managed to excite the boys for writing a song for a new album.

"You have any more?" Han asked as he watched Chan write down the lyrics I had finally managed to send him. 

"Yeah, you wanna hear?" He nodded, "Okay, Chan you know when the beat drops into a melody?"


"I was thinking the vocal line can come in with a soft melody and something like, 

그저 계속 만들어가 새롭게
Because we're one of a kind

We just keep on making new things
Because we're one of a kind

and I think that leaves some time for 2 more lines before the chorus of the song and the beat drop."

"You've been working hard! You sing as well?" Chan questioned with wide eyes, and I nodded, "So what? Are we all aces?"

The group descended into chaos which I enjoyed watching, and the office became so loud when we figured out more lyrics together. I grew more excited as we started to finish the song, it had been 3 hours and together we made 'Gods Menu'. The new come back for Stray Kids, although we had many more songs to make for the whole album.

Tomorrow, Chan decided to make us record our given parts and then we would tell the rest of the group about the song and help them record their parts. Since Chan is the producer, it was up to him for harmonies and such and up to him for ad-libs, but overall I was super glad about this song. It was truly Gods menu.

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