74 ; KIBA

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It was finally the day of court, and my nerves were getting the best of me in the early morning. I was dressed at 8am, afraid of being late even though the court session didn't start till 11. I was wearing black dress pants, a Victorian style white shirt and a kind of corset belt which went up and over my arms.

"You're going to be okay." I heard a whisper in my ear, and a chin rest on my shoulder, "You're going to win this."

"I know." I whispered back. I leaned my head back and it hit Seungmin's shoulder softly, and I closed my eyes basking in this moment. I was glad I had stayed.

"Don't be nervous to see them again." Seungmin rubbed my arms down softly.

"Did you know they were in Korea this whole time?" I told him, and he looked at me, "The whole time, they were trying to find me because I didn't come back that one time."

"But they didn't find you because you were in..."

"Yeah, I was in Japan, so they didn't find me." I shook my head in disbelief, I was worse when my lawyer told me the news, "They were going to drag me back home..."

"I wouldn't have let them." Seungmin said softly, and I turned to look him in the eyes, "You're not going anywhere without me ever again."

"I love you Seungmin."

He kissed me delicately on the lips, before he stood up and started to get dressed. The boys had decided to come to the court session and sit in as part of the audience, which was allowed, and I was grateful for it. Seeing my parents again after so long was scary. It was like I was waiting to be jumped and kidnapped to go back home again.

The car ride in the black van was quiet, and I held Seungmin's hand the whole time. It was calming to me, but as soon as the door to the van opened, we let go and made our way inside the massive court building. We were directed to the room, and I met up with my lawyer just outside the doors. I bowed to her.

"Kiba-ssi, your parents are inside already but don't let them intimidate you. Just follow me and sit beside me and you'll be perfectly fine." She explained professionally and I nodded in understanding.

"Okay, I'm ready." I muttered and she nodded. She was carrying a lot of documents in her arms, and she swung open the doors and we entered, the rest of SKZ following behind taking their seats in the audience stands.

I didn't look to my right where my parents and their lawyer was sitting. I simply bowed in respect to the judge and sat next to my lawyer quietly. I wasn't sure about the etiquette for the court room, so I hardly moved a muscle unless I was told to by my lawyer or the judge. I was lucky that my lawyer did most of the talking, and there was next to no evidence on my parent's side for what they accused me for.

My father started shouting at one point which I knew was a bad thing for them. He started shouting because my lawyer had given the voicemail, I received months ago to the judge, and they played it in the whole court.

"Sir, can you specify what the consequences you said were?" The judge asked, and their lawyer tried to cut in but since it was a question from the judge it was quickly overruled.

"I...um...I cannot your honour."

"Sit down sir." The judge was over it at this point and not long after, he ended the session saying he would review the evidence and come to a decision. Everyone was excused from the court room for half an hour and then had to gather back together.

I followed my lawyer quickly out of the room to avoid bumping into my parents. However, thankfully they walked a different way. The SKZ boys came out and handed me encouraging words on a platter and I soaked them all up to calm myself down although I had a feeling the verdict would be in my favour just like my lawyer said.

The 30 minutes felt like 5 and I was back sitting next to my lawyer. The judge sat down and pulled the mic to his mouth.

"The court had decided that the charges pressed against Kiba have been dropped, and he had been wrongly accused of theft. All charges are hereby suspended, and Kiba, henceforth, is innocent." He said seriously. 

I felt the wave of happiness flood through my bones, and I smiled lightly at my lawyer who had a big smile on her face.

"However, since Kiba has been wrongly accused of a criminal offence. He now needs to decide how to go forward with the court case. Kiba, you can press charges on account of character defamation since your job was severely affected with the accusations or you can drop the charges on your parents."

I looked at my lawyer, and then I spared my first glance to my parents who were still sitting with smug smiles like they didn't just lose the court case.

"I would like to press charges, your honour." I said as I stood up, and my parents faces dropped. I wasn't going to let them intimidate me anymore.

"Are you aware you will need a criminal attorney?" The judge askes, his eyebrows raised.

"Your honour, I would be happy to be his attorney." My lawyer stood up and the judge nodded, she patted my arms gently before sitting back down.

"There will be no more court dates, since you have won the case today, you are allowed compensation, but your criminal attorney will direct you through that process. Thank you Jury for your time today. I hereby adjourn this court session."

And that was it. My parents had come to Korea to find me, failed and then spread rumours about me, and then lost the case because they had lack of evidence. I was free of them after all this time. The judge made it clear as well that due to my pressing charges on them, they couldn't contact me ever.

We got back to the dorms and celebrated lightly before I had to meet up with my lawyer again and go through the process of pressing charges and gaining compensation from my parents. 

I'm glad I decided not to run away from my problems, everything gets better eventually.

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