64 ; KIBA

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♥️↭2 Months Later↭♥️

I was loving being an actor - it was fulfilling. I was glad I had auditioned 2 months ago, and the company gave me a chance and said I had immediate potential. The audition was almost 2 hours long because they wanted to get to know me and see what I could do. I spent the time talking to the directors and a lot of the film crew, and I did a few lines, and showed them my years in Taekwondo.

After the audition, I was given my own trailer for the set and shown around where most of the filming would take place since it was a real place but altered for the movie. I also met the cast who had been in the last 3 movies over the past 10 years, and it was an honour to meet Takeru Satoh who played the main character Himura Kenshin.

I had kept my strict diet and still worked out, but I had to maintain my body to the way it was because the directors didn't want me to be to buff because I was taller and a lot buffer than Satoh. They had cut my hair just a little at the sides where my temples were and then dyed my hair grey, and my hair had become almost permanently wavy because they curled it every day I was on set.

Although I was mainly focused on this movie and becoming a great actor for the whole world to see, a lot had happened for SKZ too.

Kingdom ended while I was in Japan, and I watched every episode with Seungmin on facetime when the episodes aired. I knew they were doing Wolfgang for the last episode since I had to go to a studio and sing my part since it was an original song. Hyunjin was also in the song although he wasn't in Kingdom.

Speaking of Hyunjin, he had his comeback since he was proved innocent like I knew he would be. He posted his solo comeback on Youtube, doing a dance cover to 'Play with Fire' and it was awesome. He really deserved the comeback.

After recording Wolfgang, I had contacted Chan about a few songs I had written, and he liked them a lot so created beats to kind of match the vibe. I was then contacted by him, and we arranged the songs together and now we had recorded nearly 5 songs as a group for the new comeback. I even helped Chan and Hyunjin with a song which was just the three of us called 'Red Lights'. I was working super hard, and I was barely sleeping but I was so high on life that I felt good regardless of how much sleep I was getting.

I hadn't flew back to Korea yet, and I don't think I could any time soon. I was filming almost every day, and starting next month, it was all fight scenes. The filming time was going by too fast, and I was relieved I wasn't Satoh who had to film two movies at once. However, I did hear from my staff who have stayed with me, that I would be flying back in a few weeks to film the 3rd anniversary of SKZ.

Seungmin and I tried to call whenever I had free time, which wasn't often but we would always make the most of it regardless, and I often showed him the set or my makeup and costume. 'Your super-hot' he would say. We were back into a relationship, the airport confirmed everything for us, and the promise ring had never left my finger except when I was filming.

When I left for Japan, the dispatch at the airport obviously caught the interaction between me and the boys however there was a few articles floating around the internet about how close Seungmin and I were, and the rings we had on our fingers. A lot of stays were defending us about our privacy, and stuff which was super sweet of them, and they even argued about how Hyunjin and Felix had matching rings too.

The articles blew up all of the internet, and it got to the point where I was almost mobbed on set by journalists. I had to apologise to the director, but he was smiling and apologising to me! JYP then had to get involved with a letter stating that we weren't dating because I had a dating ban that was still active till next year and basically how we weren't gay.

It was worrying at the time, but now I look back and laugh. 

There was also the problem with my parents which I was pretty sure had been solved now since I got no more weird calls or messages on my phone. I think whatever Chan and JYP did scared them off. I was just glad I could focus on my career properly now. I could also focus on my friends. 

Surprisingly, I had kept in good contact with all the ATEEZ boys including Mingi who got my number. He was super cute - he texted me first saying how he was a big fan ever since I debuted, and I felt like sunbaenim to him because of how much he was complimenting me. I loved Mingi and I promised to meet him once I was back from filming. I was also in contact with Bobby a lot and I made sure to bother Eunkwang hyung a lot.

I tried my best to keep in contact with Stay too. I was using bubble almost every day and trying to talk to people. I went live once or twice a month but I had to be in my trailer so I wouldn't spoil anything. Stay knew I was filming either a drama or movie in Japan, and they complimented my hair a lot and asked how much muscle I had put on in a short time. All the interactions were great, and I loved texting Stays.

Now, to go back to filming.

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