24 ; KIBA

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I drove Seungmin and I back towards Seoul in the afternoon, and it was already starting to get dark as it was becoming winter. I had planned to have a little night picnic by the Han River. I had snacks and food in the back on my car, and a blanket so we wouldn't have to sit on the bare grass. I had also bought a cool little glass lamp which would light up when lit by a match.

I was excited for Seungmin to see what I had planned. I hope he would appreciate the effort, considering I haven't ever done this for someone. After 30 minutes, I pulled up beside the gleaming bridge, the lights making it bright in the dark night.

"Okay, give me a second. I'll come and get you when it's done." I said, and got out of the car.

"Done with what?" 

I smiled, opened the back of the car, got everything in my arms and somehow closed the door and went to set everything up. I lit up the lamp with a match, smoothed out the blanket and set the food out nicely, with the basket out of the way. I quickly took a photo of the set up, and smiled. I went back and collected Seungmin.

"What have you been doing?" He questioned, looking at the lit up scene in the distance.

"Come on, I'll show you." I said, giggling in excitement. 

I held his hand as we walked to the only part of the Han River bank which was lit up by a single lamp. I continued holding his hand as he smiled at the set up picnic, and I continued holding his hand as we sat down. I looked at him, his left side was light up orange by the fire in the lamp, he looked ethereal.

"Do you like it?" I asked nervously.

He smiled and looked at me, "Yeah. It's cute."

"Good. I'm trying." I nodded, and then I handed him some of the snacks I bought and we sat and ate peacefully, looking out at the lit up bridge and calm river. 

"Do you want to do a cover with me for SKZ-Record sometime?" Seungmin suddenly asks. I turn to him - and knowing him, it would be a vocal cover and I'm not so confident with my singing abilities as he is.

"Um, depends on what song." I said with a shrug.

"Probably a Day6 cover. Just let me know if you want to." Seungmin shrugged and continued eating his food.

I remember him saying how much he liked them. Perhaps for Christmas or his next birthday, I could take him to see them.

We ate in silence for a few more peaceful moments while the moonlight came out. Once we were full, I tidied up a little and put away any uneaten food back in the basket. I turned to Seungmin to give him my full attention.

"So, do your parents know about you or anything?" I asked calmly.

He scoffed, "No." 

"They wont support you or..."

"I just want to keep it to myself for a little while." Seungmin whispered, "So many things about me are known by people overseas, this, this I just want you and me to know."

"Okay." I whispered back, my eyes never left his face.

"Will you ever come out again since no one really knows about the old video?" Seungmin asked, and I thought for a second.

I posted an old video when I was a trainee stating that I was Bisexual, but since I wasn't that well known back then, it didn't end up getting loads of attention. At the time I was relieved that it didn't blow up but now that I'm more well known, well.

"Maybe, but only if I have to." I shrugged. 

"If you have to?" Seungmin asked confused.

"Yeah, what if someone assumes I'm straight and I just feel like correcting them? Or if I ever get into a relationship with a boy who doesn't mind the world knowing about us?" 

Seungmin 'mmm'ed' and nodded with a frown.

"You don't have to come out ever, you do know that right Minnie?" I said, it was important to me that people don't feel pressured about this type of thing. He nodded.

"You remember when we first went for food at that restaurant?" Seungmin asked and I nodded, "Your parents..."

I sighed, "Yeah...they don't support me because I like guys."

"I'm sorry. I believed you when you said they didn't support you because you wanted to be an idol."

"It's fine." I laughed, "I wanted you to believe that because I was scared you wouldn't support me for the same thing."

"Kiba..." He paused, "Even if I walked past you on the street, I would believe you could do anything."

The eye contact was long and heavy, something romantic in the way he was speaking to me. I inched closer in the silence, in the dim light and he inched closer too. Eventually, the sweet coldness of his lips hit my own. 

At the bank of the Han River, on 22nd of September, I had kissed Kim Seungmin.

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