34 ; KIBA

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As Seungmin was getting ready to go to the top of the hill, Changbin opened his mouth. How unfortunate for him.

"Would you like some tips?" He asked, and everyone turned to look at him.

"No. There's nothing to learn really." Han replied and we laughed at Changbin's offended smile and nod.

"My tip was don't do it like me." 

Have you ever seen a fully grown human be so weird? Seungmin arrived at the top of the hill and did a comical walk to make us laugh. He sat down on the sled, and surprisingly, he started off with pouring the water out of the container just a little. It was pretty smart but I'm not sure it will work out.

The whistle sounded and he slowly started sliding down, it was a little bumpy but so far so good for my puppy. He was pretty stable all the way down and held the jug with 2 hands. Seungmin was left with 1.2l left in the jug. I clapped lightly as he came back, and all of his crotch area was soaking wet. I laughed as it looked like he peed himself from up close.

"Let's move on, Han wanted to play last time." Chan said, as Han sassily made his way forward, "So not him, and I choose Lee Know." Han skipped back to his place.

The challenge went over in a breeze, all members participated, and it was finally my turn, and I was chosen last. I followed the staff around the back of the slope which had little wooden steps to walk up to reach the top. I was feeling pretty confident actually since I watched Felix come down and he had a pretty good strategy by using his feet to stop himself.

Or do I want to appear funny for the video?

I guess we'll see what happens.

I got to the top eventually and looked down. Everything was higher than it seemed, but I was glad that I don't fear heights. I sat down on the sled, breathed in, and grabbed the 2l container. I poured the tiniest amount out to the side, put my feet in the sled, and decided to put the jug in between my legs and hold it tightly with my thighs.


"YEAH?" Why, it's definitely going to work...

I could hear laughs and confusion happening at the bottom of the slope, but I decided to edge the sled and that was it. I was going super-fast down the snow hill. I wasn't tipping to the sides thankfully but I could feel the water hitting my crotch area and my thighs, and I knew I definitely wasn't winning this challenge.

I wasn't stopping...

Han had gone before me and he didn't stop either, but the staff managed to catch him and slow him down slightly so I didn't bother putting my feet out. 

Ah, if only I could turn back time.

The staff missed my sled because I was going too fast, and I was too slow to take my legs out and stop it myself. My sled hit a fence, and I was practically thrown out of the sled. I heard a small 'crack' before the pain set in. Even then, it wasn't that bad because my hands were practically frozen with cold.

I was lying on the snow, my head turning ice cold but I held my finger to my chest and tried to sit up. I felt hands on my back helping me up, so I looked at a member of staff and Chan who had rushed to help me.

"Fuck, You okay?" Chan said in English, panic clear on his face. I smiled, is it weird I kind of have the urge to laugh right now?

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, and the first aid staff member helped me stand on my two feet. Careful enough to make sure I don't slip.

"Jesus, you were going so fast. Why did you not put your feet down?" Han asked as the rest of the members came rushing over.

"I'm fine. Just my finger hurts..." I whined but I was still smiling. It honestly wasn't that bad - I have broken a finger before but this didn't hurt that much.

"Let me see." Chan ordered and I looked at his serious expression before pulling my hidden hand away from my chest and taking the glove off carefully.

"Oh my god..." Hyunjin whispered, "Your finger's black!"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. That's usually what happens when you break a bone. The commotion never died down till I was sitting in a car, ready to be taken to the hospital. The boys obviously couldn't come because they needed to finish filming. I looked out the car window before I left them.


I heard laughing and a soft 'pfft' from leader Chan. However, Seungmin jogged over in all his heavy snow clothes and came to the window.

"You had 0.4l in because the jug somehow landed the right way up." He laughed and I cheered loudly. Somehow, I hadn't come last, even with a broken finger.

"That's good." I said as I looked down at my wonky finger which had indeed turned all sorts of blues and blacks. It was only my pinkie so I wasn't to worried about it.

"How is it?" Seungmin asked and I showed him, he grimaced and told me to put it back down, "I meant how do you feel idiot?"

"Oh, alright, I guess. It doesn't hurt that much." I shrugged and Seungmin nodded.

I looked at him, and he had worry clear on his face. I smiled and lifted up my completely working hand. I stroked his cheek softly and made sure no one was looking although the staff are probably used to seeing us all cuddly with each other. 

"I'm fine Seungmin." 

"I know but I worry about you." He whispered, "I don't like worrying about you, it feels unlike me."

I laughed, "Wow okay..."

"No but seriously." He continued, as he placed a delicate kiss on my cheek, "Your unpredictable. I also get the impression that you don't really care that you've broke your finger so I'm going to be doing all the worrying."

"I won't make you worry. I promise." 

The car started and I was driving away from Seungmin. The only person who will ever worry about me like that - and I felt warm just looking at him. I felt loved knowing that he was going to think about me while I'll be away getting treated. It felt nice to be cared for.

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