52 ; KIBA

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The van had arrived at the destination for the next episode of Kingdom. We got out of the van and walked towards the crew and production team. We were standing in a little circle pathway with a phone camera set up in front. We bowed to greet everyone. I was quite energetic after the news, so I was the only one jumping around.

We were told to take individual Selca's using the set-up phone camera. I let everyone go first, and then when it was my turn, I leaned my head slightly to the side so everyone could see the cute pink ribbon in my hair which was tying half of my hair back, and I put my hands on my cheeks. I guess I do aegyo now.

After we had taken photos, we were led to the massive sports field where all the other teams were. It seems the news I had received made us the tiniest bit late. We decided to start straight away now that everyone was here, and Changmin who was the MC, started introducing today's episode.

I'm not very athletic, but I did do martial arts and some football back in England. I'm also not that competitive when it comes to sports so I'm not sure how well I would do today, but I was a lot more excited than I thought I would be. I really thought my social anxiety would make me hate today.

Changmin decided he also wanted some help as the MC and chose 3 people from the Mayfly team. Eunkwang sunbaenim, Changbin hyung and Wooyoung sunbaenim were helping him as they sat in the tent, just at the edge of the field.

"No words are needed to introduce him. Silver Light. It's BTOB's Eunkwang!" Changmin introduced.

Minhyuk and Peniel stepped forward and waved the BTOB flag in the air and cheered loud for their leader.

"YEAH, THATS RIGHT. THIS IS SILVER LIGHT. SILVER!" He held the mic to the crowd, which contained me, and I screamed back 'light'. Some may say I have a crush on my sunbaenim, and they wouldn't be wrong.

Changmin introduced Changbin and Wooyoung hyungs next, "They have the nicknames Lovey and Dovey on Kingdom."

"We make the viewers hearts...palpitate." They said and finished in aegyo.

"I'm Lovey." Changbin continued.

"I'm Dovey." Wooyoung giggled, and their aegyo had a clear disgust effect on the two leaders of the group. I laughed at Chan's obvious disappointment.

The 3 groups were together as one big team, and we were told to go to the middle of the field opposite our respected tents which had our group names on. I skipped along the field, behind the group while Chan was clapping right in front of me, and I could see ATEEZ skipping along too, and Minhyuk was still waving the flag around.

"Most of these members have experience in multiple sports....Do they?" Changbin read from the script, I laughed, SKZ are probably the most unsportiest group here, "They're dark horse group, Stray Kids!"

The camera was on us, and we cheered loudly. 'Let's go' was loud and in unison. Changbin started talking through the microphone again.

"I'm not really expecting big numbers from our group but I'm going to cheer them on." He said, and I scrunched my eyes and laughed next to Chan who was smiling awkwardly.

"Channie hyung, we have to win now." I said and he agreed immediately.

After ATEEZ' introduction by Wooyoung, the other 3 teams entered as their one large group. We clapped for them as they walked forward. All three groups were introduced by the 4 MC's, and we cheered as the cameramen panned down each group.

"The teams will make an oath before the track meet." Changmin announced, but I subtly moved further right, and stood closer to ATEEZ. I wanted to ask one of the boys who were participating in Imitation a question about acting. I was suddenly pulled by my arm into the centre by I.N.

He pulled me to the centre where a podium was, and Eric of THE BOYZ joined us. I bowed to him, and as I stood in the middle of the two boys. We picked up the oath thing we had to say and held one hand up each. I was trying hard not to giggle as the two smaller boys spoke on each side of me, and I physically had to restrain my laugh, so I looked behind me and made eye contact with Hongjoong.

The other two giggled too and I quickly said my line. I put my arm around Eric's shoulder, my hand still held up in oath and my other arm around I.N as they finished the speech.

"The representative I.N"


"And your boy Kiba." I said in English - I heard laughter and a series of 'cute' from the groups behind.

"At ease." I.N ended and then Eric copied him. I laughed, and the older members of each group laughed too. I patted Eric on the shoulder as he gave both me and I.N a side hug before we dispersed to join our groups again. SKZ boys teased shy I.N while I walked over to San who was beckoning me to him.

He patted my shoulders as I stood in front of him. I let out a breath, the awkward tension gone from before and he held my hand. I was the only one in pink among the group, but I liked standing with them. I liked how comfortable ATEEZ felt with me even though the interactions were kind of limited.

We were finally able to sit down in the tents and get started properly on the track meeting. ATEEZ, SKZ AND BTOB were told to make a group name as one and a chant. We elected our youngest to speak for us.

"We want to play as if there's no tomorrow, so we're team Mayfly!" I.N said, and all three teams agreed heartily and cheered.

"What's that?" We were spoken into a microphone, and we turned to see Eunkwang flapping his tiny hands really fast saying it was a Mayfly bird. He turned to I.N who copied him cutely.

Eric from THE BOYZ was the representative for the other team and their team's name was 'THE-i-9'. It was a mashup of all their names put together, and they included aegyo in their chant which made me smile as I watched them do it aggressively to the camera.

I was in such a good mood.

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