31 ; KIBA

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It was our turn. We walked back on the floor where everyone was watching with anticipation. We got into position, and the white and orange lights signalled our start. It started with Hyunjin, and when the lights dimmed all of us moved into position and that's the official start of our performance.

As always, as soon as you perform, you get so lost into the performance and music, the nerves kind of get rid of themselves. That's exactly why I danced and moved with good rhythm and my full energy, and when it was my turn to be centre in the dance, I did as I always did and danced with my soul and sang too. Changbin's prop was incredible as well and from what I saw, it worked perfectly.

The whole room changed green when the chorus of MIROH came on, and I continued to dance my soul out. Everything turned out perfect, Chan did his back flip effortlessly just as he intended after practising and hurting himself over it, and I was happy as we continued dancing. Seungmin was then the centre as we danced around him, and his voice came out strong. Then, I had a pretty important part last.

As I.N was singing, I ran to the back out of the cameras sight, and then when it was my turn, I ran and stepped on Hyunjin to get some height then jumped from his back and landed on the floor cleanly. I then tapped the floor which turned the room from green to red. I stood up, and we waited for the ending fairies. I wasn't sure who was getting the ending fairie since all of us were being filmed but I posed anyway.

When the lights turned back on, we went backstage and removed our earpieces and microphones. We hugged in a group and congratulated each other as we worked hard and pulled off our perfect performance without any of the old issues we experienced while practising. We came back out and sat down in the studio's seats.

"Kiba! You did so well!" I heard and I jogged up to San and practically ran into his arms. He squeezed my shoulders, and I thanked him. I was then pulled into another hug by WooYoung who had come down just to hug me.

"That jump was so cool at the end!" WooYoung congratulated and I bowed.

I smiled and bowed to the other members who bowed back, and I sat back down, still somewhat trying to catch my breath.

"I thought my heart was going to stop." I heard Seungmin say, and I looked at him as he was sweating but smiling at how our performance turned out. I wish I could kiss him right now; he looks so good.

"Let's eat some snacks." Chan laughed and we joined in, happy about our performance and our happiness would go on till the end of the night.

"I want to eat Lamb skewers." Felix said, and majority of them agreed but I haven't been hungry all day.

The next group was obviously THE BOYZ, so we cheered them on as they headed backstage for their performance. Their performance was strong, and they were performing their popular song The Stealer. Their concept was really powerful, and it was captivating on stage especially the dancing break they had. The ending was incredible, they had a bit of a jump like ours, but it was perfectly executed. I clapped for them loudly.

Next was the group I was most excited for. IKON. 

IKON Sunbaenims performance was already cool with the static floor. When the music started, I knew immediately that they were doing 'Rhythm Ta'. They had an amazing dance number, and really re-arranged the song and it was amazing to witness them performing with my own eyes. Bobby did this really cool move, and then started rapping. I stood up, and started vibing with him, he had the chill attitude on as always and his iconic smile while rapping was one of the reasons he was an inspiration.

They finished off by lying on the floor and pretending to 'faint'. I cheered loudly, still standing up from just dancing along to the song. I laughed as Bobby lifted his head to see if the performance was still going and it was, so he put his head back down. Dude, why is he so chill?

They eventually walked off stage and came back after a while, and I watched them with a smile. IKON sunbaenims were incredible. As they were walking back, Bobby stopped for a second and turned to where we were sitting. I made eye contact with him, and he waved.


I awkwardly waved back and stood up quickly to bow. He was mouthing something so I strained my eyes to understand him and I think I got the majority of it.

"You were dancing along, I could see you from the corner of my eye." He smiled at the end, and I nodded and mouth back to him.

"I'm a massive fan!" He nodded and smiled again, and I watched him run back to his seat. I sat down and held my racing heart. 


The SKZ boys were pushing my shoulders teasingly, but I was letting them because I was in shock. Out of everyone who was cheering them on, Bobby noticed me! 

The MC finished off the first day, and the groups all cheered and congratulated each other. However, the show wanted the groups to do interviews and solo interviews to finish off. We were in separate studios to do this, and we finished the night at 11pm. The next Kingdom episode was to start filming in a few weeks.

The next episode would start off with the groups finding out the scores and who placed first from the viewers.

Eventually, we got home to the dorms, and we basically all celebrated. After midnight, I kissed Seungmin in the dark after not being close to him all day, and then we fell asleep.

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