47 ; KIBA

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We were finally filming another SKZ CODE. I had been waiting for this day! I have so much excess energy today and I was going to go to the gym but then I remembered we were filming. The set we had been brought to was a studio like place with a lot of cool decorations and things for what we were filming today.

There was a massive game on the floor, and all of us were standing on it ready to start the video which the staff had set up.

"Ah SKZ Marble." Lee Know announced in surprise. I looked at the carpet which had the game printed on it.

"Woah, he's stepping on it purposefully." Lee Know said as Chan was stepping on Han's SKZOO character. Han walked over and started punching Wolf Chan, which made me laugh.

All of us got excited and walked over to our SKZOO's which were on the playing carpet. I saw my deer in the centre as everyone else's were placed around the edge. I stood on my deer and looked into its eyes. It was the same hazel as my own eyes. Then someone jumped and their feet landed right on the eyes. I looked up to see a smiling Seungmin. I picked him up and spun him around playfully.

Today was a good day - we had Hyunjin with us as this SKZ CODE would hopefully be released after the scandal. We had hyped him up this morning and I had given him massive hugs because I missed him, so he was surprisingly in a very good mood and was excited to film with us.

"Hello everyone! So, we've come to play some games!" Hyunjin announced, "So what do you think we have to do next? We have to divide into teams!"

We cheered, "How do we divide into teams?"

"Looking over there, there seems to be 4 different colours and there are four different playing pieces." Chan said as he pointed them out, I was stood at the end of the line we formed next to Changbin hyung so I couldn't see properly despite being the tallest. 

"There will be a group of 3." A staff member pointed out and we nodded.

I kind of hated that actually. Whenever we were sorted into 'pairs', I kind of felt like the odd one out and as the 9th member I kind of didn't fit in with the rest of the members because I was newer to the group.

"So, I thought of a new game so if there's one, two, three, four...When everyone shows a number, the people with the same number will be teamed up." Our leader Chan explained, and we nodded along listening. Well, I was kind of swaying on my feet, bored.

Chan counted to 3, and we all showed our numbers. Seungmin, I.N, Felix and Chan all had 3 fingers up. Han and Hyunjin had 4 up, and Lee Know had 2 up. I had 1 finger showing and Changbin had a finger heart. I laughed when I saw it, and it made him giggle cutely.

Han and Hyunjin made a team loudly, excited to be together.

"What was with the heart?" I laughed and pointed at Changbin. He laughed and turned to the camera.

"Love you Stay!" He announced to the camera, and I laughed loudly. I love my hyung so much.

We did it again, but it didn't work because Changbin got confused with doing rock, paper, scissors. We did it again, and Seungmin and Felix got paired together. It was just the 5 of us remaining so we did it again. Finally, we were sorted into group after Changbin kept getting confused with the game. I.N was paired with Changbin and I was paired with the two oldest.

It's okay, I'm ready to get babied.

We picked up the coloured flags and the teams had to pick a colour. 

"We'll go with yellow." Changbin said, and it was probably so it could match his bright yellow jumper. Felix and Seungmin went with blue, Han and Hyunjin went with green which meant we were stuck with the last colour, Pink.

"Pink is totally Lee Know's colour!" Hyunjin joked as he placed a hand on Lee Know's shoulder, "Our piggy bank!"

I laughed at Lee Know's sarcastic smile at Hyunjin's comment, and Lee Know shouted 'turn off the camera please' and went after Hyunjin who backed away quickly. I watched happily as the two joked around, and I clung onto Chan's arm.

Then Chan asked if we had team names, and we went down the line - Changbin and I.N's team was called 'We are Horses' which was a Korean pun and we shortened it to 'W.A.H'. 

"We are Seungmin and Felix." Felix said, and Seungmin had to cut in before Han interrupted.

"We are a team since way back." Seungmin said, and I think we was referring to how they had a cooking show together and stuff, but I wasn't a part of the group when this was a thing. Han complained that it was boring, and everyone laughed at his behaviour.

Han and Hyunjin had a stupid name, but they said it was trendy, so we just let it slide. Then it came to our team and I was astounded.

"ELDERLY ELDERLY!" I.N shouted out, and I opened my mouth shocked. Was I not part of the team? I just turned 20 not that long ago?

The team joked about them being the eldest while I stayed quiet letting the others and the eldest of the group make a team name. They thought about 195 which was their years put together, but the others objected. Eventually, since they were teased, they went with 'LeeBang + Maknae.' 

I was still clinging to Chan's arm as the staff member explained the rules of the game to us - you roll the dice and if you land on a game you have to play it. If you succeed the mission, we can build on that property and whichever team has the most buildings wins. 

Pretty simple but I was already tired.

KIBA ; STRAY KIDSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang