Chapter 2

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"You are crazy." Caroline stated and I looked at her as the car door closed and I frowned looking at her. "You are crazy and amazing and perfect. Everyone was talking about you."

"Yes, but because of the mouse."

"O yes, yes. But that was amazing, the kings; they're interested now" She said and I frowned. "They were before, the voting by them was done before the mouse came in." She said and I giggled at that a bit.

"Who were the two guys next to your brothers, the kings?" I asked curiously and she stared at me for a second confused before she showed a huge smile.

"Prince Oliver and Prince Lucas." She said. "21 and 17." She added and I stared at her with a lot of interest.

"And they're not part of this process right?" I asked and she stared at me and she shook her head.

"No. They're not allowed around the girls. They're only allowed to be here and then at the end feast, because well they're male, around the same age as most of the girls, and that's too dangerous obviously." She said and I nodded.

"Whom was whom?" I asked and she stared at me and she smiled.

"From Left to right, Edward, Matthew, Michael, Eric." She said "Security, leader king, international, national. She said. "They are very identical though so yeah."

"Yes and no. Edward?" I said carefully. "Left?" I added and she nodded. "My left?" I added and she nodded again. "He had darker hair and slightly darker eyes and his nose was slightly smaller." I said and she laughed very as we then talked about everything and nothing before I was brought back to my place. I took a long shower afterwards and I sang along to the music that I had, before putting my hair in a bun on the top of my head and I put on a shirt and went into bed, dreaming of the brown and green eyes kings watching me.


I was looking in the mirror once again, observing what they had put on me; it was a simple pair of light blue pair of jeans and on top of that a white shirt with one of my bralettes; they wanted me to be as comfortable as I could. They only had a bit of mascara on me, and they let me have my hair loose, and they gave me a scrunchy so I could choose myself what I'd do with my hair. They trusted me, which was good.

I walked towards the car that was waiting for me and I was driven around, me looking outside at the amazing view, before I arrived at this amazing field, where I saw a huge tent and I stared at it in interest. When the door opened, I heard a bit of music and I frowned at that.

I saw Rose, Freya and Isla standing there.

"Good day, Katherine?" Rose said unsure and I nodded looking at her. "Welcome at the festival. There are different activities you can play. You are here with thirty one other girls, and the four kings." She said and I nodded looking at her in interest. "Have fun. When the sun is down, there will be a walking dinner"

"Sounds great." I said with a huge smile on my face.

Carrie told me to keep my distance, and let them come to me, so that's what I did. It was easy to find the kings, as they were taller. There were girls around each of them, talking to them. I walked past the group under the tent and I looked at all the games that were here and I couldn't help but smile very widely at that. I could feel someone staring at me, and as I continued to walk, I met the eyes of the Leader king; Matthew, whom was staring at me in interest. I looked back ahead and I walked over towards a game with a gun.

"What do we do?" I asked the person that was here.

"You take this rubber gun and you try to shoot in the middle."

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