Chapter 50

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Matthew P.O.V

"I'm so sorry." I heard her state before she was gone. It being the last thing I heard for a while. I looked at the screen for a very long time, until the connection was cut off; because the boat was probably in the water. I looked away from that scream and I saw that all the camera's we had had on the yacht, that they were all down. The yacht was gone. The yacht was gone and so were Kitty and Mike. No-. This couldn't happen.

I blinked and that's when I heard the voices around me, or rather I heard Eddie yelling at people. I blinked again and that's how I could focus on what he was saying, or rather, I observed it, it didn't really come in in detail what he was saying. He was ordering people around, telling them to find out where they were before the yacht went down, which other ships were there, facial recognition from any of the people. To contact all the presidents around the world; but then the biggest issue came up. Who was going to do that?

"Mike he-." Lucas said and I looked at dad and he was staring at the ship and I could see he was pale. His heart- fuck.

"STOP IT." I yelled as everyone was panicking and I slammed my hands on the table. "Lucas, get dad to the hospital, he is immensely close to getting a heart attack. Father and Eric, call the world leaders. Oliver help with that." I said and they stared at me shocked now. "Eddie, go with Yordi to the security area to spearhead it." I said and they all stared at me and they gulped and nodded.

"What will you do?"

"Call mom." I said calmly looking at them. "And our sisters." I said even if I felt anything but calm. "And contact the generals to get ready for war." I said and they all gulped looking at me, but they nodded understanding.

After an hour, I had called everyone that needed to be called. Mom was coming to Gotar with all of my sisters, as they weren't allowed to leave our sight anymore. Carrie was also coming over with her sisters and their children. I didn't care; the castle was large enough. The Generals were also coming over and they would be staying here in Gotar castle. We had no idea whom had taken us, or at least I didn't. I was alone in this room right now. I put my hands through my hair and pulled on them very hard and I couldn't help but slam my hand on the table, before I heard the door open.

I looked up and I saw Leila standing there, there were tears in her eyes which she quickly wiped away as she walked up to me to hug me. I held her as tightly as I could, because I needed her.

"How can I help?" She asked right away as Willow and Danny then walked through the door and they all hugged me now too.

"How can we help?"

"Where is Lottie?" I said as I sat down and Danny nodded as she let out a deep breath.

"At the hospital with mom and our aunts." Danny said as the door got smashed open now and Eli and Finn walked in, both covered in blood. They looked at the screens, which were replaying what had happened over and over again, so I could observe it. They then looked at me. "Lottie doesn't know about Mike and Kitty though, we don't think her heart can take it. They're still on a trip with the two of them. We just said that dad had another heart attack."

"We have to help. How can we help?" They demanded at the same time, with sign, and I smiled slightly looking at them.

"Danny, you'll help with signing everything I'm saying because I don't- I can't." I said and she nodded as Eli shook his head and pointed to Finn. "Fine." I said and I took a deep breath as someone walked in with all the war plans.

"I want you guys to look through these plans for me." I said standing up and I handed everyone a packet of sorts. "And update them with the information we have." I said, but I stopped talking the moment that the door opened and Oliver, Lucas, Papa and father walked in and they looked like they saw ghosts. Eric walked in after them and they sat down.

"What?" I said.

"They're all against us." Father said staring ahead in shock. "They're all- they all won't help. We've got no allies son." He said staring at me. "They said they all knew the attack was going to happen, they all said the same thing; You will be notified of our demands in a week." He said and I looked at him and I felt this anger in my body that I didn't have a control over.

"Did you get our people out of those fucking countries?"

"No. They won't allow them to leave." Father said and I nodded carefully at that as I looked at the screen and then back at him. "What do you want to do?"

"We don't know where they are yet. We have to figure that out before we attack." I said calmly looking at them. "I want the three of you- I mean yeah, the three of you." I said pointing to Father, Papa and Eric. "To start writing a speech for the world." I said calmly looking at the screen. "Eric you will deliver that speech, as our-."

"No. You should do it son."

"I'm not." I said without even looking at father, and I said it in a way that they realised I wasn't fucking around.

"Danny, Leila and Willow. You three go to where Eddie is right now. Tell them to close down all the banks and ground all flights. If the world leaders think they can fuck with us, we'll fuck with the people." I said and the three of them stood up. "Elijah and Finn, I need the two of you to go to the hospital wing and find out how dad is and make sure Lottie is ok too."

They then all left and I let out a small breath as I sat down and I looked at the world map that was here as I had a stress ball of sorts in my hand. 

They wanted to span against us? 

Did they fucking forget whom we were? 

Did they forget the power that we had?

They did. 

And they had no fucking idea what they were going to suffer through.

They wanted war? 

We'll give them damn war.

Code black time. 

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