Chapter 20

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Towards the end of the honeymoon we were at another amazing island and I was walking through the streets holding onto Eric's hand and we walked past loads of shit. The other three were walking behind us. After a while, he let go of my hand and grabbed my left hand with his left, as he put his hand on my shoulder and led me to the diner place. We ate and it was amazing. The last night I spend with Eric and I was so happy to be in his arms.

On the plane ride back I flicked through all the pictures and I smiled very widely.

"Hun?" I asked and they all looked up and I giggled at that. "Good. I'm going to send four pictures in our normal group chat, I want to post these on instagram." I said casually and I then sent them and they looked at the photo's and all had a smile on their faces. "Can I?"

"You can." Matt confirmed and I nodded as I let out a small breath as I then went on instagram to post the four photo's. Under the four photo's I posted "Still the luckiest girl in the world <3". I then looked at the pictures and a huge smile appeared on my face as the first picture was of me on Eddie's back and both of us smiling very widely, the second picture was of me sitting in between Eric's legs on a beached, and sort of laying down in front of him and my arms around his legs and we were looking at each other with a huge smile, then the third picture was of Mike and I where I was sitting on his lap, facing him, my legs on each side and we were both laughing, his hands on my legs and my hands up in the air. The last picture was of Matt and I, where I was laying on top of him in the same way as I was with Eric, but then the other way around, and I was napping, while Matt was working on his tablet. I smiled very widely at the pictures.



"I am so fucking adorable with all of you." I said casually and he giggled. "When are you abandoning me?"

"Do you mean, when are you going to Gotar to lead the country as you are the king?" Eddie said in the same tone.

"No. I mean when are you going to Gotar to slice up people or whatever instead of fucking me every night?" I replied and Matt snorted. "Every 1 in four nights."

"We land around dinner time and tomorrow I've got a day with Lottie planned, as I promised her, and then I leave the day after. Why?"

"And how long are you leaving me?" I asked as I was leaning against Mike and playing a game on my phone now.

"For three weeks."

"Sexy Ed says what?" I said sitting up in shock.

"Three weeks." He said carefully.

"What. How dare you?" I demanded and he started to giggle, but then he saw my face.

"You've got those three idiots."

"But I don't have you then."

"I would be offended if it weren't for the fact that she'd respond the same way for any of us." Mike said.

"Have you told her about your trip to Canada yet?" Matt said.

"Which trip?" I demanded looking at Mike and Mike glared at Matt whom had the biggest smile on his face and I glared at Mike. "What trip?" I demanded again and Mike sighed.

"I'm leaving for two weeks to go to Canada on a work trip."

"When?" I demanded.

"In a week." Mike said and I gasped and I grasped my heart. "Eric leaves for a week too though. So don't get mad at me."

"You're leaving e for a week?" I gasped and Matt's smile got even bigger. "STOP SMILING MATT." I then shrieked. "When are you leaving for week?"

"In two weeks." He said.

"But that means all of you return on the same day?" I said my eyes widening and they nodded slowly. "No." I said shaking my head. "Rearrange your schedules, I can't have mind-blowing I'm angry at you for leaving me for whichever amount of time sex with you guys at the same time."

"O no, they don't come back on the same day. Mike comes back on the 27th of September, Eric on the 28th and Ed on the 30th."

"I- you- I." I shook my head. "Ok. But wait. Ok stop." I said and they all looked at me. "Matt give me a piece of paper." He handed me one and I then wrote down all the dates. "Ok I'm with Ed for the upcoming two nights as he leaves me for three whole weeks."

"Yes." Matt confirmed and I nodded slowly at that. "Then in seven nights Mike leaves for two, so if I were you, which I'm not, I'd do 1 night with me and 1 night with Eric, and then four with Mike?" He offered.

"Good." I confirmed and I wrote it down. "Then seven nights until Eric abandons me?"

"5" Eric said and I nodded.

"I'll spend two nights with Matt and then three with Eric, and then I get Matt for a full 10 nights?"

"Yes." Matt confirmed and I nodded as I then wrote down when everyone was coming back and I sighed.

"And after that we'll figure it out. But this is- You guys are monsters." I said and Matt chuckled, but I shot him a glare so he stopped right away.

"In the ten nights with whatshisface, you could also come to Gotar?" Ed offered and I looked at him for a second and I saw Matt looking up in surprise.

"That's a good idea." Matt confirmed.

"Why? Do you have someone else to fuck or something?" I snapped to Matt and Matt chuckled, but once again stopped once he saw my glare at him. He rolled his eyes, but I pretended not to see cause I was so not in the mood to fight with him.

"No, never, but I think you'd need to let whatever aggression out." He said with a wink to me and I frowned. "Gotar;, instead of rats, you can use humans." He elaborated and my eyes widened in excitement.

"Can I babe?" I asked with a huge smile.

"Obviously." Eddie confirmed and I nodded as I then sighed.

"Ok, I'll stay with Matt for three nights, then go to your place for three nights, and then go back to Matt ok?" I said and he nodded. "And then my explosive reunion with Mike on the 27th, then Eric on the 28th, then I'll do Mike and Eric again and then our explosive reunion, and after that my vagina probably needs some rest."

"Good idea." Matt confirmed and I giggled at that a bit and he smiled very widely. "And a week after that you have your birthday party."

"O yeah, that's your night, because you can't dance with me." I said and he nodded as I continued and I planned a bit and I then leaned against Mike again. "Eric where are you going?"

"Terrorise the mayors a bit."

"Hot." I said and he giggled and nodded. We then played a card game, before I cuddled up to Matt and I fell asleep in his arms again.

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