Chapter 127

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A week later, I was walking through the garden we had here in Prangie as apparently walking worked in terms of it going faster, apparently. I had no idea, I just did what the doctor stated, in the hopes that it would work. I knew my husbands were in a meeting and I let out a small breath as I looked at the flowers and I smiled at them a bit.

I knew that Eddie was going to Gotar later tonight for a bit, to get his aggression out and to see some of his fuckers and get more information out. After an hour long walk, I walked into the informal eating area with some flowers, and I saw my three husbands sitting there getting ready for lunch. I handed the flowers to the help and I walked towards to my seat and I sat down.

"How was your walk?" Eric asked.

"Good." I confirmed looking at him and Eric smiled back at me as I listened to them talk. "What is going to happen again when I go into labour? I remember you guys talking about it two days ago, but I've forgotten it."

"What do you mean?"

"Something about your siblings?"

"O yeah, all my siblings will get a memo and they'll come here to meet the new Princes and Princesses, and swear their loyalty to them." Matt said and I nodded.

"I miss Oliver." I sighed as I took a bite of my food staring ahead and they were silent as they didn't know how to react to it. "What time is it in Askad now?"

"You can call him if you want to." Matt said and I stared at him for a second and he gave me a small comforting smile and I nodded looking at him as I stared back ahead.

"I guess." I said and I let out an annoyed breath as I put my hand against my belly as after the lunch the three of them had to go back to their meetings and I grabbed my phone as I went back out to the backyard.

I went to Olivers name and I called him, putting my phone on the grass next to me, as I went and laid down there.

"Oliver." Oliver said and he sounded sleepy and I smiled at that a bit.

"Hi. I miss you." I said casually and he was silent for a second.

"Hey Kit. I miss you too. But I'll see you sometime soon right?" He said. "It's Kitty, she misses me, I know I'm very missable. Yes I'll give her your love and fuck off so you can sleep." He said with so much love. "Naomi gives you her love."

"Give her my love back whenever you get back." I said and I let out a deep breath.

"Whats up dove?" He said and I let out a deep breath.

"I feel weird. I just have this weird feeling in my body. I don't know." I said staring at the sky. "It's weird."

"It is weird." He said and he yawned and I looked sideways with a small smile.

"How is little Charlie?"

"Awful. He's sick so sleep isn't a thing." He said and I smiled at that a bit. "How are the three Demons from hell?"

"Awfull. Sleep isn't a thing anymore." I said with a dramatic sigh. "Had a doctors appointment yesterday and she told me to move more and walk around and crap. I did that before Lunch. Now I'm laying in the grass staring at the sky calling Oli."

"Oli, I haven't heard that in a while." He said and I smiled a bit at that. "How are my brothers?"


"How so?"

"Matt listens and is patient which is just weird." I said. "Eddie is staring at me as if I'm the hottest person in the world and he wants to eat me, but I'm so not- like no energy." I played with my ring a bit. "Eric is always massaging my pain from my feet away.'

"That does sound like pure torture." He confirmed and I chuckled at that a bit and he chuckled as well. "Are you ok though?"

"Yeah. I just miss Mike, and when I miss Mike, I miss you too, because you remind me of him with that annoying smile a bit." I said and he let out some air. "but it's fine. I just wish Mike was here."

"I can understand that." Oliver said. "I wish he could meet Charlie too." He said and he sounded a bit heartbroken as he said that. "But sadly, that can't happen in this world. But in Seglusa's Realm it can happen."

"Do you believe that's real?" I said after a while and he was silent as I Said that. "Like, do you genuinely believe that Seglusa's Realm is real and that we'll see all our loved ones when we die?"

"I hope it is." Oliver said. "It's my belief, it's what I rule on and what pushes me through the day. It's like my oil in a motor or something, I don't know. But yeah, I do believe that one day I'll see Lottie and Mike again." He confirmed and I let out a deep breath. "And my grandmother, although she didn't like me very much."

"Really? Why not?" I said with a huge smile.

"I reminded her too much of herself when I was younger. Then when she turned a bit crazy, she hum, she preferred Lucas because he's a spitting image of papa and Trevor so you know" he said. "And I reminded her too much in terms of personality of Trevor."

"O." I said and he let out a deep breath. "I'm sorry?"

"It's fine. Really. I can't- you can't help it." Oliver said. "I'm still excited to see her though and hear what she and my grandfathers think of how we've gotten the world and shit."

"Understandable." I said and I rubbed my belly a bit as I got a bit of a cramp, but it wasn't that bad, and it wasn't my first, I had had some in the past week. "Do you think Mike would be proud of us?"

"I certainly hope so." He said and I chuckled a bit at that and he chuckled. "How is everything with you and Ed?"

"Good." I confirmed. "He's still obsessed with me like I said before, he's all urg." I said waving it away and he laughed at that a bit and I smiled at his laugh.

"I'm happy he's back." Oliver said and I nodded.

"Me too." I said with a bit of a sigh as it was silent on both ends for a bit. "I'm going to hang up now, I want to take a bath, I know you want to back to cuddling Naomi. Don't forget to give her my undying love and cuddles."

"Of course." Oliver said. "I love you dove."

"I love you too Oli." I said with a smirk and he chuckled.

"I prefer dove but bye." He said and I laughed as I then hung up and I sat up, which took forever. I walked through the castle a bit, looking at the different rooms, before I suddenly heard a voice; the voice of Eddie.

I was currently in the library of the family wing; it was next to Eddie's room, which was what I was walking too. I went and stood by the door, as I heard him talking and I was curious.

"Yeah, I'll be back tonight for a couple of hours." Eddie said and I smiled as I put my hand against my belly, as another cramp was coming and I took a deep breath as I turned my head to the side to open the door, and as my hand was on the door opening, I heard something that made me stop. Well stop? It made my heart break, my water break, my life break.

"I know babe, but I have a role to play. They don't know you're in my life anymore and we have to keep it that way for your safety. I've explained this to you so many times Kim, she literally told me that she'd lock you up whenever we'd break up. I told her we broke up and that I locked you up and that I've been working on you so that whenever she wants to see you, I'll tell her that you've been maimed beyond recognition and I've got another blonde haired girl in your place. If they find out you're not down there- they'll lock you up for sure and I don't know what they would do to me. I know babe. I'll be back tonight and we can spend a night together and then I have to get back because she's about to give birth. I love you too ok, I'll see you tonight. I love you so much too, I can't wait to see you."

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