Chapter 137

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"Hi, can I come in?" Oliver asked the next day. In the morning I had bathed all three of my babies, along with the nanny and my two husbands. Apparently the fathers were currently taking over some king duties, while we adjusted to parenthood, and Eddie rehabilitated or something. I didn't want to hear about what he was doing really. I had just dressed my three perfect babies and they were laying on the floor and were just perfect. I looked up at him for a second before looking at Cecilia whom had her hand on Emersons hand and it was fucking adorable and I was taking pictures.

"Yeah of course." Matt said calmly and I went and laid on my belly now and I gave Emerson loads of kisses, as I couldn't not give her kisses. I was obsessed with her chin and her nose, and her face, and her curly hairlike things on her head.

"We're leaving in an hour, and I just wanted to see my nephew and nieces, and see how you are." Oliver said and I had a feeling he was talking to me.

"Are things ok with you and Naomi?"

"Yeah, she understood and accepted it. Was a bit upset, but we made up and it's fine." Oliver said and I nodded as I gave Emerson another kiss before I went to Cecilia, but Emerson didn't like that and she started to cry, which resulted into Eric giving her kisses, which made me smile.

"Good." I said softly as I looked at Cecilia. "I'm happy you two are better."

"How are you?"

"I lost a husband, how do you think I am?" I said calmly, not looking up at him, I couldn't look at him. "I started my journey here with four husbands, and one is dead, and the other is dead to me, so yeah."

"Of course." Oliver said carefully. "How are you two?"

"We lost a brother." Matt said casually. "At least, to me, he's dead. I know Eric feels the same way now, but I'm sure one day he'll want to go visit him and he has that freedom. But right now we're mourning our brother and our husband, and enjoying our time with our three little babies while we can."

"Of course." Oliver said and Cecilia loved the kisses as well. "I just wanted to let the three of you know that I had no weird intentions with-"

"Stop it." I sighed. "We know, at least, I know. I know we're just friends and they understand now. They didn't understand it in the beginning obviously, and didn't like it. But they're cool with you, or you wouldn't be here." I said with a small smile looking up at him. "You have nothing to excuse yourself for and you don't have to explain anything. I love you, you love me, but we're not in love with one another. It's fine."

"Ok, good, I just- I just wanted to make sure." He explained and I nodded slowly at that.

"I know." I said. "But there is no need for explanation."

"Good. We're leaving, Naomi is currently sort of mad at Matt and Eric a bit, for the whole thing, she'll be ok the next time we see you guys."

"We don't know when that is, we don't think we can make it to the birth of your next child, nor Danny's child." Matt said calmly. "But we're going to have a trip April together, with all the families."

"What about the summit?"

"I'm cancelling it for this upcoming year, or at least postponing it, maybe again in the summer, we'll state that parenthood and crap. It's fine. If there are any worrying things." Matt said softly. "You can always contact me and we'll deal with it. I'll bring out a memo in a week about communication towards Eddie about security aspects of it and some role things that will change, as we do want you to do some minor things."

"Such as?"

"Security for events. I don't trust him enough for that right now, maybe in a couple of years when everything cools over, but right now I don't trust him to have our security as a priority."

"Of course." Oliver said. "Anything I can do, I'll gladly do."

"I know. Thank you Oliver, I love you." Matt said softly. "You never let us down."

"Of course." Oliver said and I smiled a bit as Oliver rubbed the back of my head as I was laying on the floor on my side, the non blue one, and looking at Cecilia. "Call me anytime you feel like ok? Any time. I'll drop anything to talk to you."

"I know and I will." I whispered softly. "I can't say the same thing, because my mind can't handle that right now. Maybe later in life."

"Of course." Oliver said and I looked up at him with a small smile and he winked at me. He then left and I stared at my babies again.

I might actually survive this.

The FourDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora