Chapter 4

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I got woken up about two weeks later, around four am, which was way too fucking early. I yawned as Carrie told me to shower, so I took a long shower, before getting out. I dried myself, before sitting down on a chair as they started on my hair and make up, while Carrie was signing stuff. I had one eye open, she didn't know I knew sign language yet.

"I like the blue better." I signed casually as I closed my eyes and I could feel her staring at me.

"You sign?"

"Yeah. Matthew is the only one that knows though and I want to keep it that way." I said and she giggled a bit at that and nodded as she then told me what was going to happen with her hands; one on one dates for the whole day.

"You have Matthew from 5 am to 9 am, then from 915 till 1315 you've got Michael, then from 1430 till 1830 you've got Eric, before you end it with Eddie from 1845 till 2245."

"Pardon?" I yawned and she giggled at that a tad. "Do I get some time for myself?"

"Not really." She said with a giggle. "Although you do after this; at least a week of time for yourself."

"O, ok, that sounds ok. Do they know whom they are on dates with today or?"

"Yes and no." She said and I frowned looking at her. "Matt does, the rest don't."

"Why does Matt know and the rest don't?"

"Because Matt is the leader king and demanded to know whom he had dates with." She said and I frowned at that a tad and she giggled looking at me. "Matt is a different kind of leader king compared to the previous ones; he is very hands on, but he's also very laid back. He never does public appearances, apart from the coronation and then the wedding, and whenever the summit is here in Locatlie, other than that he barely goes out of the country."


'He doesn't feel like it, he trusts his brothers enough to deal with it, and he knows that if it is needed, that it will happen. The world fear him because of it, so that's good." She said casually and I nodded slowly. "So he knows you've got a date with him."

"That doesn't surprise me." I confirmed and she smiled looking at me. She decided on putting on a pair of black pants and a simple blue shirt again. I put my hair into a bun on the top of my head now, as I wasn't bothered by it today. I put on some simple sneakers and I got put into the car. I yawned as I looked out the window seeing the darkness of Locatlie right now. After a while I arrived at this field, with a building in front of it or something, I had no idea exactly where we were. I stepped out and realised it was colder than I imagined. "Thank you." Is rated towards the driver and I turned around and there was nobody here yet and the driver drove away. I frowned at that a bit as I looked around.

"Hello?" I said casually and I couldn't help but giggle. "Matt? I mean King Matthew?" I said and I then walked towards the building and I saw a sort of garage there and I saw Matthew sitting there talking to someone with a very serious face. I leaned against the garage door and just observed him. The way he spoke, his body language, it was insane to see and it turned me on more than I imagined it ever could. After about four seconds, his eyes left the guy he was talking to, and he looked at me. He continued to talk, but his eyes were glued on me now, it releasing some emotion in me.

Matthew gave the man a curt nod after about a minute before he stood up and walked up to me. He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a buttoned up shirt. He also had a jacket of sorts on, but as he walked up towards me, he took it off.

"You should be wearing a jacket, it's freezing." He said in that tone that made my heart flutter, it was with immense power, its wasn't like we were having a discussion, he was demanding it, giving me the fault. He put his jacket over my shoulders, his hands resting on my shoulders. "Good morning." He said looking into my eyes, trying to see where I was at. I stared at him in interest and nodded slowly. "Not a morning person?" He then asked as I put my hands in the sleeves of the jacket before leaning forward and putting my arms around his waist. He didn't respond to it first, before he put his arms over my shoulders a bit more, rubbing on my waist.

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